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The thing that makes me mad about him dying, is that he is getting no media attention! I mean sure MJ was a great legend in music, but at least Billy deserves 15 minutes on CNN instead of covering MJ for god knows how much longer! Billy was also an icon in the infomercial industry and deserves some respect IMHO. All the coverge I have seen of his death so far is a 5 word sentence scrolling across the bottom of CNN!!! :fs1:

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yes, it deserves some more attention, but his family also asked to be left alone. his wife i believe was quoted something along the lines of, yes he lived a public life, but we do not want to be in the public right now, please respect that.


i can't stand that they're already trying to link this to his plane landing rough.

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Didnt he have his own show called Pitch Men?


Yeah I loved that show for the month or two it was on. It actually convinced me that not all of the things you see in infomercials were crap, some of the stuff actually is a good product and good people invented it. Don't know if the show is gonna be cancelled or what, but it won't be the same without Billy. :(

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i can't stand that they're already trying to link this to his plane landing rough.

What's wrong with that? He DID get conked when the overhead compartments opened up -- it's entirely possible he got a brain contusion. Who was the famous female who hit her head skiing this winter and died a few hours later? Could be the same thing.

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i can't stand that they're already trying to link this to his plane landing rough.

What's wrong with that? He DID get conked when the overhead compartments opened up -- it's entirely possible he got a brain contusion. Who was the famous female who hit her head skiing this winter and died a few hours later? Could be the same thing.

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No way to be for sure until after the autopsy, but I think it is probably related to the rough plane landing. I think that Billy Mays suffered a Subdural Hematoma after the heavy objects struck him on the head, over several hours his brain was probably bleeding and swelling inside his head until his brain could no longer take it. It is a sad story, and he will be missed.



Not only has it been a bad week for the entertainment biz, its been a bad week for 50yo's in the entertainment biz.

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I have to agree with the under coverage. I know the family is in grief, but the only way I found out was yahoo. Everyone else is still covering the no-new-news MJ stuff. Sad really. Billy Mays just started a new family with a new wife and was looking forward to being the dad he wasn't to his older son, who he patched things up with. I feel for the family.


Its a damn shame. Seemed like a great guy. :cheers:


Rob L.

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This has been a local story for us, since Billy made his home here, and was in a Tampa rental home when he died. Coverage has been nearly non-stop since yesterday morning. Folks are trying to prevent any speculation that the airline incident is related, although the autopsy today may shed more light on that. Most folks here just saw Billy interviewed live on Saturday after the plane touched down, so the news of Sunday morning was even more of a shocker. They're reporting that he was scheduled for hip replacement surgery this morning and may have been on pain medication. I guess we'll find out soon. In our market, Billy is still leading every newscast.

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Since some of you said you've seen little news coverage of this, I thought I'd update. The autopsy today showed no signs of head trauma (related to the airplane landing). He died of heart failure, related to heart disease.

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