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Once again I will pay homage to the "previous owner" and ask the following... Dealer, independent, or locksmith (that will return phone calls and e-mails) for helping me with the ignition key that is broken off in the ignition and the door key that is non-existent??? Anyone tackle this themsleves? Thanks!

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From what i can remember, door locks are cake. Held in by a retainter clip from the inside, just disconnect the rod and pull out. Finding a jeep with keys to get lock cylinders is a tad harder. Ill have to have someone chime in on the ignition. Never done one of those.


Rob L.

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I changed the ignition lock cylinder in my 89 due to a disappearing set of keys. Its not that bad of a job especially if you have the tool to remove the retainer for the "lock plate?". On a side note my keys reappeared about 20 minutes after I finished changing the ignition. :fs1: :fs1:

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  oldrusty said:
I changed the ignition lock cylinder in my 89 due to a disappearing set of keys. Its not that bad of a job especially if you have the tool to remove the retainer for the "lock plate?". On a side note my keys reappeared about 20 minutes after I finished changing the ignition.


Well, why would the key stay lost once you no longer need it? :shake:


When you guys get the re-key are you getting the same flimsy keys that came with the jeeps or is there a way to get a beefier more solid-feeling key to match our tough trucks?

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You can change from the GM style keys (90 and earlier) to Chrysler double sided keys (91+) easily. The cylinders are compatible. I just did this change last weekend not out of choice but because the local junker only had the newer version of Cherokees in the yard to pick from. They Chrysler keys are longer and thicker, harder to break. The only drawback is the ring end of the key is that old wide Chrysler Y end. I ground them down to the GM size so it wouldn't feel like a rock in my pocket.

On a side note, keep the keys cool while you grind. First one I did quick and hamfisted and it snapped due to getting too hot.

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Yep, replace the lock cylinder,,,


I replaced mine and found at least an ounce or two of metal shavings inside it. I couldn't get the darn thing to even turn, so starting the truck was always a challenge. Got a new one from napa, for about $35. It works great. Use a steering wheel puller and be sure to check for the alignment marks on the column shaft and your steering wheel. I borrowed a puller from the store and did it in the parking lot. Mine were still visible so I didn't have to re-stab the wheel once I had it put back together,,,,if your marks aren't there, be sure to make some before you pull the wheel off. Be careful not to "tear" it apart, take your time so you don't lose any springs or break anything. There's lots of delicate pieces in the column.


Bad thing is now my keys say "Government Motors" on them. I'm trying to find some NOS AMC/Jeep key blanks.

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  jbhill said:
they should be able to cut you a key at the dealer from the VIN.

Key codes are not attainable for a truck of that age any more. The cut-off is somewhere around 1990 - 1992 for being able to get the key code from the VIN.

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I believe the key can be removed only with the lock in the OFF-LOCKED position. Not in RUN, not in OFF-UNLOCKED, and not in ACCESSORY. With the lock/switch in the proper position, is there enough key visible to grab it with needle-nose pliers and pull it out? If so, once it's out you can have a new key made at any locksmith.


The door key on the 86 was shared with the glovebox, and is different from the ignition. You cannot have the door and the ignition keyed alike on the older ones. The reason is that, although you can get one of the keys to fit both keyways (I don't remember which way that goes), the ignition is a 6-tumbler lock and the doors are 5-tumbler locks, so it's simply not possible to make one key that works both. I was certain for the longest time that I'd be able to make that work, until I spent an hour talking it over with a professional locksmith who showed me the error of my ways.

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I will be using my 94 XJ tilt steering column with the double sided key. I will also be using the door lock cylinders and the glove box door with the matching key.


It will be keyed alike. I beleive JeepcoMJ used the double sided door lock cylinders with the 95 XJ airbag steering column in his short box MJ. I'm not sure if he swapped the glove box lock or not. I think he did. He also has factory R134 AC that I think he will be getting charged soon.

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  JeepcoMJ said:
replace them all.


I have both door locks and an ignition cylinder with matching keys. brand new.


I can try and rekey a glovebox lock to match the door key as well.


Looking to sell, I take it? If so, pm me and we can get the ball rolling. Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

I got an '88 Comanche with NO keys, in fact, the ignition cylinder was gone, used needle nose pliers to start the thing. Nobody knew where the keys disappeared to and nothing could be looked up from the VIN#.

Purchased a new ignition cylinder w/keys from NAPA.

Purchased new door locks w/keys from teamcomanche.com First time I ever changed door locks, was not difficult at all.

Someday I'll get the glove box lock rekeyed.

Life is good now :cheers:

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