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Removing a bed in a JY

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I'm thinking about getting a bed from a JY truck, but I'm nervous about actually being able to remove it. Rules say no power or air tools (battery is OK - which I don't have), so it will all be by hand.


I've read how to take off a bed (drop tank, remove eight bolts, lift off frame) ... that doesn't sound too hard. But, I'm sure once I crawl under a JY truck I'm gonna run into problems. What do you guys recommend I do/take to be prepared?


I'm planning on taking a good selection of ratchets, cheater bars, hammers, wrenches, etc ..... but what happens if I strip/break a bolt?


Also - any suggestions on getting a long bed home with my lb MJ? I was thinking about flipping the bed upside down and placing it on my bed ... just like a cap .... and using four or six big C-clamps to clamp the two beds together. Any other ideas?

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that's the method to haul it home.


as for taking it off, crawl under your truck and locate all 8 bolts. there are four up front, and two towards the middle and two in the rear.


you will need a ratcheting wrench to drop the tank...there's no socket in the world big enough to get down the bolt to the nut, and it's a LONG ways to wrench on anything with a plain ratchet.


but I have no idea what size it is, so you'll need to find that out.

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  JeepcoMJ said:
that's the method to haul it home.


as for taking it off, crawl under your truck and locate all 8 bolts. there are four up front, and two towards the middle and two in the rear.


you will need a ratcheting wrench to drop the tank...there's no socket in the world big enough to get down the bolt to the nut, and it's a LONG ways to wrench on anything with a plain ratchet.


but I have no idea what size it is, so you'll need to find that out.



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If you really want the bed, and the bolts break off, then fine, wait till you get home with it and drill them out. As for stripping out, well..... I don't know, youll have to improvise, maybe a BFH or a really log strong pry bar??? And don't forget about unbolting or unhooking the e brake cables or bracket. :thumbsup:

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The 3 bolts for the gas tank are 15mm. Ratcheting wrench and box end wrench will be your best friend for this. Like someone else said, you won't be able to get a deep enough socket to get on it. You will need a flathead screwdriver to get all the hose clamps off. Also a pair of wire snips to cut the zip tie that holds the wiring harness to the gas lines. If you don't have any "PB Bolt Blaster" go get a can from your local auto parts store. Spray all your bolts with that first to soak them real well and the bolts should come off pretty easy. Also bring some rags to put over the fuel line hoses when you pull them off so the fuel in the lines doesn't spew on you. Some of the MJ's had factory gas tank skids, so you will need to remove that as well if there is one. Take some cardboard of a blanket to lay on too. lol Have fun.

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  JeepcoMJ said:
  MrSimon said:
So what happens if things won't spin, get stripped, or break off? Do I just swear a lot and go home?


I'll see what I can do about the pump and sending unit.


swear alot and pull out the hack saw.



I've done that a few times. Driveshaft yoke... Yup. 4 u-bolts.... Yup. 2 shocks... Yup. 1 brake line... Yup. 2 ebrake cables... Yup. Had I actually taken tools other than a BFH and a hacksaw, it might have helped. But I wasn't planning to pull an axle. :doh:

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