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Jeep 1 - FedEx 0


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A few days ago we had a snowstorm that turned to freezing rain. Left a mess. My brother plowed my driveway, which basically left a sheet of ice. And it's a fairly long driveway, that gets progressively steeper (uphill) as you get to the street.


Last night, unbeknownst to me, we had a dusting of snow. The snow cover just made the ice even more slippery -- if that's possible. My first clue was the sound of a truck engine revving up ... and revving up ... and revving up some more. I looked out to discover that FedEx had driven in to deliver a package, couldn't make it out the top of the driveway, and then backed into a snow bank trying to back down for a second try.


So my day started by putting on warm clothes, boots, and trudging out to talk to the moron FedEx driver. They apparently have no system in place for if they get stuck. So ... I backed out the wife's XJ (hers came with a hitch, I haven't installed the hitch on my 2000 XJ Sport yet), backed up the driveway, and looped a snatch strap from the XJ to the support for FedEx's rear step platform. Then I had to explain to the dweeb (about six times :mad: ) to keep the steering wheel straight, put the truck in reverse, and NOT to gun it and spin the wheels.


Took me about three modest yanks to get him free. So naturally he immediately tried to steer and back up under his own power. Mercifully, instead of smashing into the XJ he just managed to do a lateral traverse and get the opposite side of his truck stuck in the snowbank on the other side of the driveway. So, I explained yet again that he should just relax and leave the driving to us -- keep the steering wheel straight, let it idle in reverse, and let ME pull him into the center of the driveway.


It took a few more yanks the second time, but I got him centered up. Then I cut him loose, parked the XJ as far away from him as I could get it, and walked out to the street so I could see when traffic was clear and wave him out so he could get a good running start. He made it.


I don't think he believed me when I said I could pull him out with a Cherokee.

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i had to winch my in-laws up and out of my driveway the other day after i told them not to pull down it..lol Had about 1/4" of ice with about 7" of snow on it..i don't clear my driveway cuz its a 30* or better slope. Used the TJ to winch them out because i had pretty deep ruts from playin around in the snow and the MJ battery wouldnt jump.. :oops:

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lol good story. one time alloooooong time ago back in new mexico me and my buddy were taking my moms 4x4 toyota tercel for a spin in the dirt fields we used to have. we came across 4 mexicans that had their f150 stuck in a really stupid spot. i don't know if it was the fact that it wasnt 4x4 or not or the fact that he refused to keep his wheels straight that kept him wedged in there. so me and my buddie park next to them and offer to pull them out. they look at eachother and laugh and say "no way, not with that little car" so i convince them to hook us up with their tow strap. so I'm pulling and pulling, yelling at the guy to turn the wheels straight. aparantly the driver didnt know english, so after a few minutes his friends finally translate :mad:. the second he got his wheels straight i yank him out of his predicament. i loved the look on the drivers face when my moms little toyota got his dumbass out of his predicament.

this happend in the middle of summer down there. not a winter story but still funny

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HAHA kinda reminds me of last week got my 2wd f150 stuck in my side yard. atleast 10in and my cousins explorer the only thing that could pull out me was jus totaled so he pulled me out with his rental car 08 dodge avenger i agree with pete i laughed when he said he will pull it out with it and it did :clapping:

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Similar story

Back in december I was out of town for hockey when we got our first good snow. Anywho, a fedex truck got stuck in snow down the block from me and my father decided to give the jeep a whirl and went and pulled it out.


I think he actually moved his f150 out of the way just to get my truck out of the driveway, I guess he just saw her sitting there and wondered if she could do it. Pulled that sucker out no problem. jamminz.gif

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The Jeep was just showing off, pulling the Chevy, Ford and semi out at one time.


It's amazing the lack of knowledge drivers have especially the straight wheel rule. 24 years ago a FedEx truck couldn't get out of our parking lot at work.

After watching for a few minutes, I went out to offer advice. Still no success, so the driver said, here you drive. Almost made it up the hill and alot farther than the driver could. It took some more of the audience to come out and stand on the bumper. They just don't seem to have a contigency plan, just keep trying until something breaks. You would think they would have some kind of snow equipment considering the business they are in.

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got a good vid of this kinda thing




http://videos.streetfire.net/video/pull ... 152943.htm

I have a picture of something similar. Only this is my folks old rig pulling a family friends semi out of the neighbors yard. The drop was enough that the back set of tires on the semi were 12" in the air. To make matters worse our family friend had just got her CDL and did not know how to 'lock' the center axle in, so it was a dead pull.

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... yes, it worked :thumbsup:

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your a brave man showing a hummer actually doing some kinda work

you know that there is a HUGE disagreement on who has the best off-road capablity

Oh yeah, it seems all owners think their rig is better than the others... I am here with 2 Jeep, so I know where I stand on the issue :clapping:

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Is a paved driveway considered off road?

The tractor was clearly off road though.



I could drive a Toyota Presis across the that section of offroad the semi was in... jamminz.gif


The only dirt that Hummer will probably see is when it backs into the neighbors flower bed. :banana:



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To make matters worse our family friend had just got her CDL and did not know how to 'lock' the center axle in, so it was a dead pull.


Though that sounds bad, I've seen so many experienced drivers get stuck when their tires get hung up on something because they don't know how to work the axles. But then again, that's us city folk.

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