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how to wire a sub

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Ok so this is gonna make me look like a dumbass but i guess thats ok


my friend gave me a sub, not a good one, 500W with a built in amp, probably isnt that awesome but i figure i might as well wire it up, because i don't ever plan on wasting 800 bucks on a "good system" for my rig. I am looking up how to wire this thing online, and there saying a hole has to be in the firewall going to the battery. Are there any holes in a comanche that can be used for this?


I have no idea what I'm doing :redX:

so if anyone has any helpful advice throw it down :cheers:

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Well can fish a wire though the antenna hole by the passenger side to keep the length down or there is a hole under the steering column wher other wires come in just got to look. but people make a new hole to make it easier for install but it isn't nessery.

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OK, for your power wire you going to want to find a grommet in the fire wall, you want to carefully get the wire through with without damaging any factor wires that run through it. don't just pull the grommet and push the wire through the hole cause then it will leak. if you cannot find a grommet or cannot get through it then drill a hole and be careful about where it places, don't put a hole into your booster or something fun like that. after you make a hole be sure to put a grommet through the hole so the power wire isn't rubbing on the sharp sides. just make sure that you never run your wire through the door, i would hate to see someone burn down their truck. and the most important thing BE SURE TO FUSE THE WIRE CLOSE TO THE BATTERY sorry for the caps and bold but its that important.


what is the brand model of the sub? cause 500w is a pretty good amount of power if that is a true rating. companies (Sony) like to put the max ratings on everything they put out there so you want to get a true RMS rating to figure out how much power it will need and what size wire and fuse you need. if its a self amplified sub like a bazooka bass tube or infinity basslinq you should be fine running a 12 gauge power wire kit to it.


hope this will help you get started



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Just go to wal-mart and get a amplifier installation kit. It comes with a power wire, ground wire, remote wire, and rca cables. The rca's and the remote wire go to your head unit, power goes straight to battery, and ground, well, it goes in the ground :) The remote wire on your head unit should be blue. Also you should run the power wire and the rca's down opposite sides of the truck. You don't want them right next to each other.



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