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I am having a strange misfire at part throttle. Between 30-35 position reading on my TPS from my R.E.M. It doesn't happen while idling or any position of the throttle above or below 30-35. I can see my knock sensor reading spike when it happens but there are not any codes or other anomalies in all the read outs that would point to a source of the problem.


I have swapped out my TPS with a spare I had and set it properly with no change. I have also changed my spark plugs distributor cap/rotor.


I am heading towards it being an ignition problem maybe the coil, ignition control module or distributor stator pickup.


There is an I.S. note about the distributor stator going out (I think it is 36e). Which is probably the next thing I will change out.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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8 hours ago, Ωhm said:

Sometimes a kick and a buck are caused when ECU drops out of Closed Loop (LP) for an instant period of time. See if that correlates with the REM.

The R.E.M. shows it stays in closed loop while it misfires. It is worse when the engine is cold than when hot.

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Thanks, on those fuel trim values. As you already mentioned, ST&LT read outs look good. Good call on possibly an ignition problem. If you haven't moved your distributor, it should be ok but still look at indexing (cruiser tip #13).

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