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Manual Gearbox

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I have a 87 2.5 RWD 4spd. My steering gearbox has long been beyond shot. I would like to replace it and keep the manual steering. My Comanche is not used to off road and can be a DD although I just don't drive it as much. Anyone know of any good gearbox replacements? Could I grab one from the JY? If so what vehicles should I be looking for that would have used this type of box? XJ,YJ,CJ? What years? At JY If it was a 5spd with manual steering would it make a difference? Thanks!

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After about 1990 or so, manual steering started to disappear. All 4.0 XJ/MJs had power steering, and even then most 2.5s got power steering anyway. You're only likely to find manual steering on an early model, extremely stripped model. There was a 2.5 XJ in the JY I go to. Next time I go (if it's still there) I'll remember to look and see if it was manual or power.


What are the problems you're having?

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Thanks!! I've known about this problem from the get go( I know the PO). You are able to take the steering wheel while driving and turn it to the 10 and 2 position( right, left) before the vehicle reacts. I tried a slight adjustment on top of box and it didn't help. I've taken it to 2 separate shops and was told the same thing... Needs a new steering gearbox. I called local Jeep dealer and talked to parts guy... "Let me check"... Nothing. No dealer carries them. More or less obsolete.

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According to the trusty parts manual, the same manual box as yours (p/n 52000089) was used on 81-93 XJs, MJs, and Wranglers, and up to the 94-95 YJs. Your best bet for a used manual box would be from a newer Wrangler. New and rebuilt units are listed everywhere including Ebay, so give it a good search using the part number.

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Weird that they would have the same part# ,Wranglers mount with four bolts,I've also heard the ratio is different.


I imagine a YJ box would fit,i have one here that was manual steering that the owner converted using an XJ box,he just didn't use the 4th bolt.

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I use a lot of Crown parts. They specialize in Jeep stuff (along with Hudson!). So much so that their Jeep parts use Jeep part numbers.


Ratio for the XJ/MJ manual box was either 20:1 or 24:1. VERY slow ratio, and I can't imagine actually wanting to replace one with another of the same. That said, it's a basic Saginaw box, and the same box was used in AMC cars for decades. Go junkyard, or splurge on a rebuilt.

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