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NP 231 output seal question.

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Hello again , so a little while ago , I put in what I thought was a 1992 ax15 with an np231 out of a yj. Started the truck for the first time a couple weeks ago and fluid was leaking pretty heavy at the out put shaft. Looked at the seal determined it was the wrong one. Must of overlooked it originally.  So now I went to napa today told the guy what I needed got the seal wrong again.Now there's no extension housing only the main retainer. So I feel I've been geting the seals for the extension housing and not the one I need. So ya I'm not sure just something dose not seem to be lining up. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. 


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The Rear retainer doesn't have any seals, it is RTV'd to the rear case half, then the extension is RTV'd to the retainer. The seal goes on the extension. Are you running it without the extension? Are you sure you aren't damaging it upon installation? Are they giving you p# 15047?

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Hi there thanks for the response. Well the retainer never had the extension housing on it no bolt holes or anything . Thats why I'm thinking the PO changed the set up somehow I thought the newer TJs dropped the extension housing first.  Looks to me like there is some sort of sleeve pressed in there now which dosnt seem right. Ill make sure to post a pic on it. 



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Hello again , so here is  the pick of the retainer.


Looked up the tag code , came out of a 92 yj build date 8 24 92.

 That metal sleeve already pressed in there just doesn't seem right to me. My transmission knowledge is still growing here.


here's everything that is on the tag if that would help




5209 7695


8 24 92 3





Thanks , Jo

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That's not the stock 92 tailhousing ... You sure the tag says NP231J?

That is either a later model (97+) tailhousing or someone already started an SYE conversion. But looks like a late model external slip yoke rear housing to me.

Get a seal for a 97+ XJ/TJ it should fit in place fine. You will also need the output slip yoke from the same or a hack and tap yoke.

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Totally gapped, that hole in the end of the shaft ... Is it threaded? You have been hack and tapped, or in the middle of it. Definitely a later model external slip tail housing. Get a seal for the years I suggested.


Not sure where to find the rear yoke though, there are several places to get them though. Gonna also need a new rear shaft for that that matches the yoke you get.

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Ok ok thanks for the response. I'm super sure the tag says 231 J on it. Even ran the numbers on the case.


So I just looked at the whole you mentioned there's no thread from what I could see. By hack an tapped what do you mean , sort of a custom mod or?

Pulled a number off the yoke that was on this t-case when I got this unit  Spicer # 023 2519 did any quick search didn't have many hits.


Other thing now that you told me this , its starting to make sense. First before I put the transmison in I flushed it and spun it with a drill to mix everything up , felt good and seemed to spin smooth. How ever when I started the truck looked at the shaft was spinning way off of a circular pattern,  I must of missed it before I installed. So maybe he bent the shaft was in the middle of a rebuild with an sye and gave up and sold it? Maybe...?  




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  On 6/16/2015 at 1:00 AM, MJDigger-CT said:

By hack an tapped what do you mean , sort of a custom mod or?

Yes, it's a budget way to do a slip yoke eliminator. Rather than buy a complete rear housing and output shaft, the stock (late model) tailshaft is cut off ("hacked") and then tapped to accept a bolt that holds the yoke in place. This also requires a custom driveshaft with a slip joint in the center.


You will need to find out if your output shaft has already been cut off, or if it's still full-length. If it has been cut off, you can't run a slip yoke on it because there probably isn't going to be enough travel.

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If the shaft moves, it is either bent (unlikely) or the bearing is toast (more likely). This will also cause the shaft to eat the seal.


I have never seen an output shaft bend without breaking.

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Alright so @ Eagle  measured the shaft and from the edge of the later model housing he put on from the seal to the end of the output shaft I measured 3 5/8 inches. From what I can tell the whole at the end is not tapped.  


Now onto the maybe bent part , I put the newer model seal in and it went in great , however after starting the truck and running it through the gears for a minute or so it started to leak from the inside of the seal where the shaft is. Which makes me believe like mvusee said it tore up the seal due to the bearing or the shaft. 


I could post a vid of everything spinning to see what you all think. Maybe take the retainer of and take a look at the bearing. 


Another note I have a 93 ax5 with an np231 bolted to it laying in the garage. With the stock tail housing on it . If my shaft is not bent or cut. I could throw that one on and see what happens? 




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