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Radio Wiring Frustration SOS

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I recently got myself an 88 Sportruck Comanche and I need to wire in a radio since there was not one in it. There was no stock connector just 13 wires that were cut. The colors are as followed: Black, Red/Pink, Violet/Orange, Blue/White, Black/Yellow, Orange/Black, Brown/White, Brown, Green/White, Green, another black, a White, and a white/black wire. My problem is I know the power, ground, and accessory, but not the speaker wires. I've tried three separate radios with several tries and no sound from any wire.

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What year is your truck? It would be nice if you edited your signature in the settings to let us know what you drive so we don't have to guess. Wire colors as well as most everything else were different throughout the years.

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The PO of mine ran new speaker wire,  I suspect for the same reason yours is not working.


Run new wires to new speakers and you'll get sound.





And run the ground....or a ground........to the head unit body, ground it, you'll get better reception.

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Remove the back panel so you can see the speakers. Note the wire colors. It will be the same colors under the dash where the wires were cut. Also you can take a D cell, 1 1/2 volt battery. Find a good ground for the negative side of the battery. Touch each of wires, one at a time, to the pos terminal of the bat. You will hear a click coming from which ever speaker you're touching.

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Remove the back panel so you can see the speakers. Note the wire colors. It will be the same colors under the dash where the wires were cut. Also you can take a D cell, 1 1/2 volt battery. Find a good ground for the negative side of the battery. Touch each of wires, one at a time, to the pos terminal of the bat. You will hear a click coming from which ever speaker you're touching.



I've never thought of that, I like that idea.

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So here's an update: I have no power getting to either of the rear speakers. Does anyone know of a fuse for just the speakers? At this point my only option is to re-run all new speaker wires from the head unit back...

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before you go to the trouble of running new wires to the speakers, check them for continuity with an ohm meter.  if you put the black lead on the speaker ground lead and tap the red lead on the speaker signal lead, you should hear the speaker pop.  That tells you that the wires and the speakers are good.

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before you go to the trouble of running new wires to the speakers, check them for continuity with an ohm meter. if you put the black lead on the speaker ground lead and tap the red lead on the speaker signal lead, you should hear the speaker pop. That tells you that the wires and the speakers are good.

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I am not getting any continuity to either speaker, it makes me think I might have a pinched or cut wire somewhere between the head unit and the speakers

After 25 years....................what do you expect?.


Could be corrosion, too.

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