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Power Steering Pump Going Bad?

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so ever since i did my tune up; which involved replacing distributor cap and rotor, spark plugs, air filter, PVC valve, belts, and an oil change. i have been having this loud squeeking noise most the time when i turn, normally it's at full lock but sometimes it's a slight turn, it's not your normal power steering pump whining sound, it's that whine about 10 times worse and almost like a slapping sound with it, folks at my work think my pumps going bad, what do yall think?



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A trick the local Flatr8er taught me was after you do your work on the system and refill to just leave it be after you start the engine. Let it idle for a while as you clean up or work on something else.

It quieted down pretty fast and didn't make any noise at all after 15 minutes or so. It has worked perfectly ever since.

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I think you better look under the hood while somebody turns the wheel to see what's going on.


did that, i saw nothing just the belt and pulley moving around and around

Is your belt tightened correctly?


i believe so, i stretched the steering pump to where the belt had little to no slack

Check your harmonic balancer.

1 i really hope it's not that and 2 how do i check that?



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The rubber between the pulley and the hub will show signs of deterioration and, or, the pulley will be slightly out of position causing the belt to be out of line/center on the water pump pulley.

ah, well than luckily its not that  :banana:



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