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Oil...what'll This Do??

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So, long story short.  I "MIS-GRABBED" the 5 qt oil jug and it was too late to return it since I opened it and pored some in.


 I put 5/30 in instead of 10/30.  My pressure reads a little lower. I WAS using Rotella 15/30.  Should I dump the new 5/30 or run it.  How much thinner is 5/30 than 10/30 which is what I was going to use.

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Thanks all,


Actually when I started it up this morning, the oil pressure was at, or even over what it's been for the last few months.   :dunno:


So far the pressure seems about right.   15-20 at hot idle, 40-60 at 2K RPM's. :thumbsup:

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My wifes granddad Owned a well drilling business, 3 drilling rigs, 5 1 ton trucks, Half a dozen pick ups, 2 winch trucks, a pulling rig  a couple welders and generators and a shiny new Kaiser every year. The only thing he ever owned that wasn't a Ford. He only used Havoline 5-15 in everything. Must of worked because as long as I knew him, never had any engine troubles.

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