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Ccv Fix . . . Thoughts?

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Came across this post while browsing how to fix oil dripping from my air filter:




What do you all think about this? Is it an ok idea and would it fix my problem of oil leaking out my air filter?


Its an 87 Comanche 4x4 with I-6. Its my first Jeep, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around how some of the mechanics work.

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I ran a catch can after I replaced the whole ccv hoses and grommets but never took the valve cover off. My blow by got worst with the new hoses. I need to do a compression test to see of it is the piston rings or not. My mj 4.0 only has 100k on it so it's hard for me to wrap my head around the rings being toast already. But up until now I didn't know that their was more to the ccv system inside the valve cover as mentioned in the link. It talks about a spring. So I'm intrested in this also and what other people have to say.

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I think You should delete that link - Full of BS - - This may be all you need - http://comancheclub.com/topic/31685-oil-soaked-air-filter/ - - - Sounds like you'll likely be researching more MJ info, 1st MJ/Jeep & all - - CC is the right place for that - - Start with Cruiser's Renix Tips - It's pinned in DIY forum -  -  When you do a search here or elsewhere is way easier to google this:  site colon name of site space search topic; a la   "site:comancheclub.com air filter oil " - - - - - -  BTW what zip are you in ?


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Came across this post while browsing how to fix oil dripping from my air filter:




What do you all think about this? Is it an ok idea and would it fix my problem of oil leaking out my air filter?


Its an 87 Comanche 4x4 with I-6. Its my first Jeep, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around how some of the mechanics work.


I just picked up a 4l XJ that had a blown head gasket....(amongst other things)....one main problem was both the front and rear CCV elbows had been broken off some how.

I read the exact same link you attached and came up with my own take on it.


One hour on the phone with my local auto parts stores told me that nobody had the rear elbow ( the one with the 2.6 mm hole) and the front was just an elbow. But the rubber grommets were available.


So I went down a bought 2 new grommets and then matched up a 90* PCV valve that was as close (smaller) as I could get. I was pretty sure I would have an elbow at home so I left that out.


When I got home (i had the valve cover off for the head gasket change) I removed both old grommets and put in the new ones. (Valve cover back on) I  cut a 3/4" piece of 3/4' clear vinyl hose, slid that over the pcv valve i bought, this made it a perfect tight fit. popped it in. It attached directly to the old hose that goes to the manifold.


With the front i at first searched for a normal abs or pvc hose elbow to pop in but could not find one so on a chance I grabbed a 1" copper elbow and it popped right in.

I then went to make a couple of rubber hose adapters out of the clear vinyl hose I had but as i lined it up to cut it i found it was the exact length needed to go from the elbow to the air box so it was put on right like that. (with the intent to change it out after)


This might sound crude but it actually looks factory (except for the clear hose in the front) I have not changed the clear hose yet.....my thoughts being that if the situation comes up that oil is getting drawn into the air box i will be able to see it in the hose without removing the air filter to examine it.


The only real concern for me is how long the Vinyl will last.......but I can always put in rubber.  :thumbsup:   . :MJ 1: .

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Catch cans don't work with the CCV systems. I pulled the VC and cleaned the underside from my 4.0HO in the XJ, ran a catch can, and had oil coming out the dipstick tube. Removed catch can, and all is well.



I'm not sure how you hooked yours up but Mine works just fine. I'm not sure how they "can't work".....


this is how I hooked mine up.




And as you can see after about 3000 miles it has collected this much oil.... So It looks like it is working to me..





How ever I still have oil venting in to my air box some from the rear hose on the valve cover. I also have a problem with it seaping through the grommets and oil cap and acculmulating on the top of my valave cover and dripping down  the back of the engein. After viewing the other link I think I'm going to go ahead and order the newer style valve cover. Hopefully that will help a bit...

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Catch cans don't work with the CCV systems. I pulled the VC and cleaned the underside from my 4.0HO in the XJ, ran a catch can, and had oil coming out the dipstick tube. Removed catch can, and all is well.



I'm not sure how you hooked yours up but Mine works just fine. I'm not sure how they "can't work".....


this is how I hooked mine up.




And as you can see after about 3000 miles it has collected this much oil.... So It looks like it is working to me..





How ever I still have oil venting in to my air box some from the rear hose on the valve cover. I also have a problem with it seaping through the grommets and oil cap and acculmulating on the top of my valave cover and dripping down  the back of the engein. After viewing the other link I think I'm going to go ahead and order the newer style valve cover. Hopefully that will help a bit...



I must be missing something here :hmm: ......but.......isn't the oil in the catch can, or any were in the front hose a sign that the rear CCV (PCV) valve is not working correctly?


My understanding of the CCV system was that the front elbow was to simply draw in fresh air from the intake, that is pulled back, with the transient crank case gases, to the CCV (PVC) valve elbow at the rear by suction from the vacuum on the intake....and then re-introduced and burned up by being run back through the motor.


If you have oil coming out the front then something is clogged and not working in the rear?  :dunno:   . :MJ 1: .

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Came across this post while browsing how to fix oil dripping from my air filter:




What do you all think about this? Is it an ok idea and would it fix my problem of oil leaking out my air filter?


Its an 87 Comanche 4x4 with I-6. Its my first Jeep, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around how some of the mechanics work.



CCV system must be working perfectly. Grommets, hoses, piping, fittings must all be in good shape and CLEAR.


That said, your vintage of Jeep was particularly prone to oiling the air filter even when new. 


Click on the link in my signature for a complete write-up on how to address it. Post 25 has photos also. Here's a preview of the text. 


Cruiser’s Valve Cover Mod
Most early and even later Renix 4.0s could be bothered by excessive oil in the air cleaner box. A fix from my old days as Service Manager at a Jeep dealership follows. Information was provided to me from a buddy at JeepTech during those days. I don’t believe it ever came out in a Technical Service Bulletin.
Remove the valve cover and turn it over.  Next,  remove the fluted tubes that are now facing you by removing three screws on each. Chop 1 inch off each of them. Then, about a half inch up from the area where you just sawed them off, drill a half inch hole in the tubes so the holes will face the rear of the valve cover. Clean and de-burr/sand all rough edges nicely, clean with solvent, and reinstall. Don’t be concerned about the chintzy gaskets that will probably crumble into oblivion when you remove the fluted tubes. They can go back together without gaskets.
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Thanks for all the ideas and thoughts


danbyrambler I live in 65340. Also thanks for your searching ti[. That will most likely save me a lot of time.



cruiser54 I looked at your Renix Tips link. However, I am very hesitant to start cutting and drilling on engine pieces. Could you explain better what cutting and drilling these tubes will do and why it is not harmful to my engine? Perhaps there is a link where I could read more?




Thanks again for the info. If you have anything else I can use, feel free to send it my way.

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Thanks for all the ideas and thoughts


danbyrambler I live in 65340. Also thanks for your searching ti[. That will most likely save me a lot of time.



cruiser54 I looked at your Renix Tips link. However, I am very hesitant to start cutting and drilling on engine pieces. Could you explain better what cutting and drilling these tubes will do and why it is not harmful to my engine? Perhaps there is a link where I could read more?




Thanks again for the info. If you have anything else I can use, feel free to send it my way.

It was an unpublished factory "fix" in the early years for the oil in the air filter problem.

The flutes stuck down too far by design and sucked oil in a liquid form into the air filter. That system was supposed to only move vapor. 



there is no down side to doing the mod. 

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