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Brake Light Switch Help -Pic Request

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I recently swapped the booster and master from a 2000 wj into my '90 mj, now my lights don't work. It's possible I lost one of the nylon bushings but am unsure of what should be there. I did have intermittent issues with the switch mounting prior to the swap, remedied by messing with it... I've searched and not found anything usefull, a pic of the bushings would be my first step. Next easiest fix would be to swap a newer style pedal assembly so a side by side, or direction to a writeup would be appreciated. Any thaughts are welcomed. Thanks in advanced.

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My lights didn't work after I did this mod on both my XJ and my MJ.  The way I fixed it was to remove the little, thin nylon insert (the piece that slides in to the 5/8" hole you drilled in the booster rod.  Once I did that, the switch worked as it should on both my Jeeps.  Perhaps that'll help.

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Grab a 1991 and up XJ/MJ brake switch and bracket from the yard and it will work with your Renix pedal junk. Just rewire it up using a NO (normally open) pair of contacts for the brake lights. There are two sets on NO contacts on the switch. Use an ohmmeter to find the NO contacts.




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Here is my write up on my dual diaphram brake booster conversion and I have clear pictures of what the swtich looks like and where it is. I drilled my hole too big so i put two thin peices of duck take on the brake light switch plate. Read my write-up and it makes it a little bit more clear.



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  • 1 year later...

Reviving this old thread instead of doing a new one.  I also ground down my pedal too much.  I tried to slap on a couple tack welds but it didn't work.  I sort of have it fixed but the switch needs to be angled correctly for them to work.  Too high up and the lights are always on, too far down and they are always on.  It's just kind of disconcerting to have it like that because there's no way to lock it in place.  Like the duct tape fix, I used a couple pieces of bailing wire hooked around the switch plate. 


I'll have to try the nylon insert removal.  But isn't the bolt too loose?


Anyone try a universal brake light switch?  Can't picture it in my head how to install one.

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