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Headliner Options

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Hey, it's been quite some time since I've been on here. I spent about two years without a Comanche, or a Jeep for that matter. Anyhow,

I'm back in a Comanche, though I have no headliner or backer for it at all. Does anyone make the entire headliner? I heard of SMS headliners, but 

those seem to be kits to repair what you've already got. I'm trying to restore my 'manche back to be a very nice driver. I just need the headliner to complete the interior. 




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Really tough one.  If you can't find an MJ in a yard with an intact headliner...or at least the backer...you might just have to fab something out of an XJ headliner. If that's even a possibility.  The SMS headliner kit is just fabric and a can or two of glue.  You can get the fabric at a fabric store (JoAnnes etc) for cheaper

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What ParadiseMJ said basically. I've never had an MJ with a factory liner, so I've always just made my own using duct work bubble wrap insulation and headliner fabric from JoAnnes. Found out on my first one I did that the weaker 3M spray adhesive doesn't hold up to the temperature changes well and had to start using the stronger stuff. 77 or whatever it is.

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SMS makes the whole thing, backer and all. Great guy to work with! Originally had a flaw in his design, fixed it and shipped the new ones out to everyone who had purchased a flawed one for free! I didnt even ask for a new one since i made mine fit, so it suprised me when a new one showed up on my front porch about 2 weeks later! 

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I used the front of a XJ liner,  trimmed until I liked the fit, then covered it in cheap Polar Fleece from JoAnn fabrics.  Looks decent for the most part.  picks on my build thead page 5.   http://comancheclub.com/topic/37521-haydukes-operation-comanche-repower-88-to-98-swap/page-5


It looked perfect until I forced it to flex up to meet the XJ dome light I welded in.  Then it creased a bit.  In hind sight, I could have spaced the light down a inch and prevented this. 


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