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89' Resto To 99' Conversion

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  On 7/17/2013 at 1:32 PM, Rymanrph said:

That's not evil; that's satisfaction you're hearing.  Congrats.


Yeah - it was most definitely 'Miller time' if there ever was one! Congratulations to Ryan for a job well done.

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Update time!


Got more of the interior squared away after work today, the seat belts were cut and installed. To use the 97+ XJ seat belts you need to cut the mounting bracket off right after the bent tabs above the hole. Then mark and drill the new hole and install. It took a total of 20 minutes to do both I believe and they look a lot cleaner than the older ones I think.




Also the kick panels are installed




The B pillars and back panel won't go in until the insulation/sound proofing arrives, and the carpet won't go in until the doors are aligned properly and the cab is sealed for water.


More to come!


Stay tuned!

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Update time!


Got all of the interior in except the carpet. (The doors still haven't been properly aligned).





Seat are in as well!




Since the engine is running, we also installed the accumulator dryer and charged the A/C system:



Two things:  The electrical fitting on the top is NOT included on the new Acc/dryer and must be transferred. Second, the mounting bracket and ring are oriented like this:



(Took me quite awhile before I figured it out :doh: )


The system has a frightfully high pressure though, and the clutch on the compressor screeches horribly, so it will be replaced here in the next couple of days when the new one comes in and will hopefully fix the problem.


More to come!


Stay tuned!

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Both fans operate and the nose of the truck was in a two car garage by itself when it got charged so airflow was okay.

  On 7/22/2013 at 11:21 AM, Biotex said:

Did you have good airflow over the condenser? Fans working?

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Did you go with the normal seat belt top mount hole?  I'm planning on adding the adjustable top mount on mine from the XJ. 

I dislike when the belt is too hight and rubs my neck.... Though my new seat sit higher and maybe would be ok now.


on the bottom:  I'm not quite clear what you cut off, but I'll look at mine and figure it out.

Thanks for including pics as I'm right behind your build.. (engine next weekend!)

take pics of how you do your doors too please!  Thanks!!! looking awsome man!

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Yes the existing MJ holes were used, with the bolts from the XJ on the top hole, and the bolt from the MJ on the bottom hole. The belts are not adjustable, but the divers side seat is electric, so I thought it was kind of a moot point.


On the belt mechanism mount, I used an angle grinder to cut the mount where it flanges out into an "arrow" with the XJ bolt hole in the middle of the arrow. Then I marked and drilled a new hole in the mount higher up to make use of the existing MJ bolt hole.


Also I don't understand what you mean about the doors. Take pictures of how they are mounted or how to align them?

  On 7/22/2013 at 3:57 PM, GHayduke said:

Did you go with the normal seat belt top mount hole?  I'm planning on adding the adjustable top mount on mine from the XJ. 

I dislike when the belt is too hight and rubs my neck.... Though my new seat sit higher and maybe would be ok now.


on the bottom:  I'm not quite clear what you cut off, but I'll look at mine and figure it out.

Thanks for including pics as I'm right behind your build.. (engine next weekend!)

take pics of how you do your doors too please!  Thanks!!! looking awsome man!

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Took the truck for a test drive today after the shortened driveshaft came in.


1) Still runs rough. Will backfire and shudder under load and will slowly spin down and die if idling and the A/C is on. (ever since startup it has run bad we believe it to be a timing problem)

2) 4x4 works except for 4Lo. Coasting, in Neutral, it just grinds and the shifter does not "click" into place. This means the shifter is incorrectly adjusted?

3) With the new compressor on the truck, it only squeaks when the A/C is on. Belt to loose/tight?

4) The horn randomly came on and stayed on until I disconnected them. The Airbag light has been illuminated since the accident the donor had, means bad clock spring?

5) It finally moved under its own power! Which is a step in the right direction!


If any of you guys have ideas or comments on the above please answer! Any help is great!


More to come!


Stay tuned!

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On the issues:


First, we thought the A/C compressor was bad because is sounded like a harpy at the gates of hel!. Unfortunately, after replacing the compressor and recharging the system the daymn thing still squeals when the clutch engages (but strangely not when its off....).We tried loosening the belt and it squeals even more...so tomorrow we'll try tighening the belt. I am concerned about the belt belt being too tight and harming the bearings. Can anyone address how tight the belt should be? I had always thought 1 inch of deflection was good.


Second, I believe the clockspring is the horn issue, but have no way of checking the thing. Does anyone know of any tests for that other then ohming the wires? It does Ohm out correctly.


Third. we stabbed the distributor so many times in different positions in an attempt to smooth the idle I can't even count. Unfortunately it idles very rough and doesn't smooth out until around 2300 rpm. I am absolutely sure we are at #1 TDC, and the rotor is correctly positioned at 5:00. We have replaced the cam and crank sensor with known good ones. We are getting P0340 code "Loss of cam signal", even though it immediately starts and runs.


Any comments / advice is appreciated!





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I used the donor carpet. Took it to a DIY car wash and pressure washed the tar out of it. Came out pretty good!

  On 7/31/2013 at 4:41 PM, GHayduke said:

lookin good-  Did you get new carpet or donor carpet?

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Update time!


Got the bed and tailgate painted today!






Also as an after thought, the tail lights got a coat of clear as well! I think they came out great!



If all goes well the bed will be on tomorrow!


More to come!


Stay tuned!

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Update time!


Got the bed and tailgate on today





Sorry for the angles, the truck cannot be moved until the tank can be strapped on, which will take place tomorrow. The bumper is a JCR offroad DIY and will be installed later as well.


Almost there :clapping:


Stay tuned!

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  On 8/5/2013 at 5:04 PM, GHayduke said:

Looks Awsome, I need to find someone who can paint my truck like that! Eager to see what the bumper looks like.

We got lucky and knew a professional painter who lived on our street! Gave us a lot of advice on what grade products to buy and such. He's one of the best painters I have ever seen!

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  On 8/5/2013 at 5:36 PM, buffalob said:

Your truck looks awesome...man I am jealous seeing it progress day by day.

It is almost the same color as mine...

I can't wait to start driving it around!


Yours is gonna be a lot cooler than mine haha the lift and rims are sick!

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Got the charcoal box mounted today which was the last miscellaneous piece needed to go on. Here is where I chose to mount it:



Extended the lines, and here's how it came out:



For all intensive purposes the truck is generally "put together". From here on out it's mostly just problem solving as it comes!


Some shots in the sunshine :rock on:









More to come!


Stay tuned!




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  On 8/9/2013 at 7:06 PM, GHayduke said:

Nice!  Whats in the forefront of picture 2?  Muffler?  & whats the wood for?

 It is the triangular gap in front of the X member. The top of the differential is in the bottom of the picture. The wood is a temporary spacer for the gas tank. With the Dakota tank, the fuel sender is taller than the tank itself, and must be spaced off the bed to prevent rubbing. The wood was a "measuring stick' sorts to see what size square tubing I needed to buy. It also gets the vehicle mobile, which I need to have, with my return to college fast approaching.

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