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Mystery Plugs

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There are two electrical plugs that have never been in use since the day i bought my truck and was wondering if anyone had an idea.       Both plugs have a significant amount of wiring, so they clutter up the engine bay, something i would like to address.



Plug #1


I am almost certain this was for factory fog lamps, but the truck has never had them.


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Plug #2


Totally clueless


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This is another plug that i would to get rid of. I am fairly certain it is for the shift light in the dash, which i find pointless.


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Even though there are four wires going into and out of the above plug, only two are being used.


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Is there any reason to keep the above plugs? What are they even for?




Thanks, ftpiercecracker

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First one - fog

Second - ? aux fan or fan switch

Last from tranny - back up light switch


These jeeps had a lot of "extra" plugs that went to stuff that wasn't installed,

I wouldn't cut any out, I would clean them up and leave them in place.

Far as I can tell, you need or could potentially need the three plugs you referenced.

Easy add on fogs and aux fan....

But you definitely need the one that goes to the transmission.

Under the dash, don't look if you don't like plugs that go nowhere....lol

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First one - fog

Second - ? aux fan or fan switch

Last from tranny - back up light switch


These jeeps had a lot of "extra" plugs that went to stuff that wasn't installed,

I wouldn't cut any out, I would clean them up and leave them in place.

Far as I can tell, you need or could potentially need the three plugs you referenced.

Easy add on fogs and aux fan....

But you definitely need the one that goes to the transmission.

Under the dash, don't look if you don't like plugs that go nowhere....lol

Good advice, on all of the above. Just tape them up out of the way.

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To be honest, all the wiring under my dash actually looks pretty good. But that's because I spent days tracing, cutting, and pulling out all those extra plugs. Yes everything does still work.


I can't imagine the unknown plug is for an E fan, because my stock unit is already accounted for and I have yet to hear of an MJ that came with dual E fans.


Appreciate the input guys.


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Next question, I have never been able to determine with 100% certainty which setup my jeep has when it comes to the bank of relays on the Passenger side fender well.


These are the two diagrams that i have come across.    FYI The inside of my door says 89 4.0, it is one of the last to be made in 89.





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Plug #2 is the outside temperature sensor used with the XJ overhead console. My '90 MJ has it here's a picture of one I pulled from a '90 XJ, sensor on the left


My fog connectors do not look like plug #1 they look like this

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Plug #2 is the outside temperature sensor used with the XJ overhead console. My '90 MJ has it here's a picture of one I pulled from a '90 XJ, sensor on the left






I spent 3 hrs tracing this plug and on mine it was for the power/comfort switch, which doesnt exist because its a 5spd.



As for the other plug i just popped the terminal out of the plug instead of cutting wires.

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Mine has been stuffed under the coolant bottle.   But i have since traced the wires and found they went to a plug inside the cab that then went from there to a switch that never did anything. Its been a very long time since i removed the switch, so i have no idea what it might have been originally for, but i do know from seeing factory setups that it was most likely for power/comfort.

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