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Removing Paint From Rubber?


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so i bought a new rubberized iphone case the other day. nothing fancy just plain black. when i get it home i noticed that it wasnt just plain black, but that it had some white writing on it that i can't seem to get off. i tried nail polish remover, goo gone, and scrubbing it with soap and water but nothing seems to work. my plan is to get the white writing off and glue a jeep enblem i snagged off a WJ steering wheel to it. i thouhgt about just coving the writing up with the emblem but it just doesnt look right. any suggestions? the writing is raised up so it leads me to think that it isnt part of the rubber itself.


this is the case i bought:


and this is the emblem i got. i though it would have been plastic but it turns out to be aluminum.







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The "paint" might be more rubber/plastic... if it sticks up, did you try scraping it off (very carefully)?

Typically things like that are molded with the rest of the case, and not applied afterwards. It may go deeper than you think.

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the emblem i have came off a WJ steering wheel. i never tried the paint thinner, but the letters are raised up. i tried picking at them very carefully but i didnt seem to get anywhere. i will try paint thinner tomorrow. thanks!




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