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turning 21 in Jan.


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well you've got nothing to look forward to now and people will more than likely still treat you as a kid. to me it seems mid/late 20s is when people actually start looking at you as an adult. turning 21 wasnt a huge milestone for me. i drank way before then and went in bars. so it was just another day but at least i could gamble :brows:


damn didnt mean to bring you down :rotf: go get tore up man! easy answer there

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I can honestly say I don't remember much of my 21st birthday. I had just bought my house the week before, and was already in a great mood. To top it off, a guy at work had a summer party on my birthday by chance. His party was on his farm and pretty huge, not to mention the puddle jumper airport down the way had their fliers and tires festival with an '80's rock band going. Coworkers egging me on combined with my lack of regular drinking made for a rough next couple days.


Make it a good one, you only turn 21 once. Be safe, have a good time.


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I had a couple of legal beers at the local college bar. It was exam time for me, too, so I couldn't really go out, nor could my friends. Now, my 22nd b-day...I spent that one in Vegas and don't remember much.


I've never really understood the people that get so insanely sloshed on their 21st. Chances are they have been drinking well before their 21st and most likely have a fake ID and have been in some bars in the past. At least that was the case for me, so it just seemed like another day in the office.


So, if you have a driver or are within walking distance of a bar, I'd say have couple drinks, have some fun and think of all the things you're now allowed to do with this age milestone.


Can you believe that people born in 1991 can legally drink? I'm getting old...

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I don't recall my 21st... Not because I was sloshed, but because it was uneventful. I am not a drinker so that may be why it wasn't anything exciting. Seems like that was long, long ago. Actually, college was a blur in general, went by way to fast!

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Since a person only turns 21 once in their life I decided to make mine a memorable event to remember. I scaled Mt Rushmore, barefooted and parachuted off the top of Jefferson's head. While driving a piton into Teddy's nose a big chunk broke off and in falling killed the poor chap that was taping the event. Why I don't have a video of the event. Upon leaping off Thomie's head I realized that in the excitement of the moment, I had grabbed my back pack instead of the parachute. Dirty socks and a T shirt do not make a good canopy. Fortunately two buzzards who were flying around in anticipation of their forth coming meal got to close and I was able to grab them by their legs, for a safe descent to earth. Upon safely landing I immediately jumped into the Jeep and headed for Arizona where I was going to jump the Grand Canyon on my 5hp Cushman motor scooter. Evil advised me against it but I ignored him. I figured he was just jealous and pissed because he wanted to do it first and I beat him to it. Wait until you hear what I did on my 49th birthday. Not to mention my 65th, both of which many doom sayers predicted I would never reach. :doh:

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well you've got nothing to look forward to now and people will more than likely still treat you as a kid.


Still have to look forward to:

26: car insurance rates dropping, no longer can be drafted into military service

28: 10 year high school reunion [repeat every 5 or 10 years]

30: people stop treating you like a kid [except family], first Over the Hill [repeat every 10 years]

35: run for President

55: old folks discounts go into effect at IHOP

60: eligibility to start collecting Social Security

100: you've made it to 100


and finally:


122: oldest documented person ever

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