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So far for me, Rock Auto has the best price shipped, but I've seen a couple places that offer free shipping.. you guys Outside are lucky when it comes to shipping. :ack:


Horn, I think he means for applying adhesive, it's like a headliner, you adjust, stretch, and be patient when adhering it. That's my experience with YJ and Early Bronco carpet kits, anyway. They never seem to fit correctly when you first pull them out of the box.

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This is the one I have, just stuffed it in and trimmed the edges. You also have to cut holes for the shifters and seat bolts. I think what Motion means is that you gotta make sure that you don't cut your holes too big, and make sure it's in the right spot before you cut. I cut on of mine too big but was able to glue a piece back in pretty easy. Other than that, you shouldn't need any adhesives. At least I didn't.


Oh, and they will send you free samples of the different colors if you want.




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Everything I have always heard is the aftermarket carpet kits are not as good of quality as the OEM stuff was. I ordered samples from one manufacturer and would agree with that although others may be better. I also heard the aftermarket kits do not lay down flat.


Dunno if it is right or wrong. I chickened out at replacing mine long ago.

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I bought one off ebay. Didn't have near the padding as the stock one and didn't lay flat in places, so be careful there. It was acceptable, but not perfect. And if your patient, I'd get samples, you would be surprised how many grays there are.

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usually the carpet kits from Rock auto are ACC kits. I put a ACC kit in my 87, It is molded to the hump and the back step where it gets kinda funny. motion is right just take you time Remember ( measure twice cut once) I laid the carpet out in the sun on a warm day to get it to be a little more plyable.


I also went to a auto upholstery shop and got extra padding. it helps.

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I don't have experience with the ACC molded carpet for the MJ, but I have used them in a couple of Mitsubishi 3000GT's, which are of a similar size to the MJ. I felt there was a lot left to be desired with the kit. A lot of cutting and trimming and the carpet never seemed to fit quite right in any of the corners of the vehicle. I needed to use adhesive velcro to keep the carpet against the floor pan around the door sill areas, although the way the MJ plastic trim is made, that wouldn't be a problem. They say that the use of a heat gun will help with the install and can "soften" the mold on the carpet so that you can recontour it to fit, but I did not find that to be the case at all. The quality of the carpet was no where near OEM quality - it was much worse. After about 6 months of daily driving, there were spots on the carpet that started to become matted. The 15 year old OEM carpet I replaced was stained to no end, but it was still plush. Also, the "jute" padding they added to the underside was about half the thickness of the OEM stuff.


Unfortunately, we don't have many options for carpeting. I'm currently installing the front portion of a 1999XJ carpet in my MJ and so far, so good. However, I also installed the front seat bracket mounts in my MJ, which the XJ carpet is contoured for. Once I get it in and trimmed, I'll take some pictures, but I think it's going to come out pretty nice.

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I ordered an ACC carpet from stockinteriors.com. High quality carpet, but I suggest you specify NOT to get the molded heel pad as they miss the proper location and place it 1/4 the way up the trans tunnel. I re-ordered twice as I assumed it was a fluke...it wasn't. GET IT WITHOUT THE HEEL PAD.

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