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6" Speakers in the door?

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What if I don't want the gross aftermarket speaker grill and just to replace the factory one over the door panel? Will it fit back there or do I have to trim up the door?


If I have to spend too much time on the project I might as well suck it up and put in 5.25" speakers.

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I really don't think they will the "after market grill" is just part of the speaker. I can't find any pic's right now of behind the door but I'm sure some body will help me out on that. I would just do some after market speakers that will fit inside of the door just like the stock ones are. try somthing like this: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&expIds=17259,17315,23628,23670,25041,26761,26849,27520,27955&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=5+1/4+speaker+sony&cp=18&safe=off&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=8994159134396045583&ei=MXQqTemILcL88Aa2262BAg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=4&sqi=2&ved=0CDQQ8wIwAw# they are not a bad price And should fit in the door.



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You can fit any size speaker in there, but you will have to trim out metal. The hole in the door is only big enough for a 5.25, but you can cut it out larger for a 6.5 like I did.


I've put 6.5 inch speakers in my 96 XJ, 98 XJ, and 92 MJ. And I've never had to trim any metal. Just drilled some new holes to center the speaker in the opening.


And you don't have to use the aftermarket grilles. Just install the speakers, then put the door panels over them.

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You can fit any size speaker in there, but you will have to trim out metal. The hole in the door is only big enough for a 5.25, but you can cut it out larger for a 6.5 like I did.


I've put 6.5 inch speakers in my 96 XJ, 98 XJ, and 92 MJ. And I've never had to trim any metal. Just drilled some new holes to center the speaker in the opening.


And you don't have to use the aftermarket grilles. Just install the speakers, then put the door panels over them.


Right on! - that is what I did too.

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I put 6 inch pioneer speakers in my door. I did have to trim the panels due to the shape of the back of the speakers. Not a bad job.... I took a piece of cardbaord and traced the speaker then cut it an inch in on the marks and traced that to the door....cut and install

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