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Why Live East


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the point of living east, or at least midwest, is that we don't have CRAPPY music like that, and other things like john denver.




otherwise, you're right...you do have better scenery. just don't go to socal unless you want to be a minority, on top of being smogged out.

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I go to So CA periodically, but never stay more than a couple days. allways fun on I-5 through LA. Traffic not to bad in SD. Hate SF though, pain driving to friends house, streets are a damn jig saw puzzle even with a GPS. Oh, you now become a minority shortly after passing Sacramento going South.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great slide show! Lots of memories because I grew up in Coos Bay, and do miss all the good fishing, digging clams, catching crab, being the beaches, the beauty of the sand dunes, picking a slew of salmon, huckle, black, thimble, and other berries, and being able to go out in the forest and not worry about ticks, etc! Oregon is a state where you can be in the rain forest in the morning, on snow covered mountains by noon, and in the desert by evening. My mother was a native, born and raised in Bunker Hill, just out of Coos Bay heading south on 101. I was born while parents lived in Pennsylvania, but they moved back to Oregon in 1949 when I was about 18 months old. Lived there until 1979 when wife, two daughters and I went to Fort Wayne IN for me to attend the Seminary. Wives mother and two sisters live in Redmond, Oregon. My girls grew up in Nebraska and Missouri, and now live in Papillion (Omaha) and Indianapolis, and grandkids are in Papillion, so wife and I are planning retiring in the Kansas City area to be near them. Guess I will just have to keep on missing what I miss!

Oh, yea, because of the great amount of rain and fog on the coast of Oregon, I had a t-shirt one time that said "Oregonians don't tan. They rust"!

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the point of living east, or at least midwest, is that we don't have CRAPPY music like that, and other things like john denver.




otherwise, you're right...you do have better scenery. just don't go to socal unless you want to be a minority, on top of being smogged out.

Will take John Denver to rust any day. You can turn the radio off, or change the tape. You can't rust.

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Colo is Nice place to visit. Spent a year long ago (57) running the back roads in all directions out of Colo Spgs. On Friday evening I was always headed for Pueblo and party time. Passed through those two places this past Summer and didn't recognize anything. Wasn't anything you could call a tall building around back in 57. No freeways either. They were just small town USA then. Obviously the bridge I use to side-swipe at least once a month do to over indulgence just N of Pueblo is long gone. That sucker was narrow and dangerous and always really dark or maybe I just never turned my lights on. State never needed to paint the right side of that one, I did it for them with the ol car door from one end to the other. Never did bother to fix the damage on the 46 Ford Club Coupe as I figured it wouldn'tr last more than a week anyway.

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.........moved back to Oregon in 1949 when I was about 18 months old. .......


Good Grief!!!!! I had you pegged for about 40-50 like me, but your WAY older almost like Eagle and Jim. Boy, was I wrong!!!! :D :D





Ehhhh! What say, young whippersnapper! Durn, can't you speak a little louder! My ears just ain't what they used to be!


Yea, I be 62 this summer. But, hey, old is a condition not of age, but of thinking - that is, until I try to play football or baseball with people 20 our more years younger than me! OUCH!!!!!

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deziped, awesome pics. probably 90% or more of those could be replaced with pics from VA or NC. they offer a lot of the same things, which is a little bit of everything. sea, land, mountains, cities, they have them all. as much as i love my Virginia, i could see myself living out there.

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deziped, awesome pics. probably 90% or more of those could be replaced with pics from VA or NC. they offer a lot of the same things, which is a little bit of everything. sea, land, mountains, cities, they have them all.


And w/o the annual 100+ inches or so of rain. :D

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OLD?If I didn't have to keep both hands on the walker I'd teach you young twerps to respect your, your, your? I ferget. Is it elders? or betters? Ehh, I'll settle for both. :rotf: :rotf:


Yea! (cough cough wheeze wheeze!) The hard part? Holding on the the walker and wrenches at the same time! That is, if I can remember where the wrenches are!

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I have been from the far point of both sides of canada and the US both by car and bike and every little place inbetween. a few other places when I was in the army years back...


I keep comming back to the east as we have the best of everything.. yeah are mountains are not as hight as out west but we have them.

yes are clean water is not as clear but its as clean as any around.

we have cold and wet weather.. works for me I have warm cloths and rainsuits no biggy.. makes for great mud holes and ice fishing trips..

when its sunny and hot it good to have that cold air for a few months.

yeah some cars and jeeps rust out.. makes it good for me to be able to parts out rusty jeeps cheep and not feel bad I am taking them apart to let other jeeps live on.

in the fall people from all over the world come here to see the colors of the leaves.

I like it here and the hunting and fishing are some of the best in the world. again people from all over the world come here to hunt and fish. so Y the east I ask Y anywhere elts?????????????

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