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anouther one out of a job


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just got laid off today so my lift kit and everything else must wait hopfully the forest industry picks up soon i dident even get a days notice was getting a parts apprentiship on monday and today i go to work 15 minutes before the days over they tell me I'm laid off

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just got laid off today so my lift kit and everything else must wait hopfully the forest industry picks up soon i dident even get a days notice was getting a parts apprentiship on monday and today i go to work 15 minutes before the days over they tell me I'm laid off


Dude that stinks... I wish you the best... I think we have at least another round of layoffs coming and I'm getting pretty nervous...

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I've been working out of my garage here at the house since back in June. I went to my "job" one day, and after driving for 2 hours to get to the jobsite, I found out that myself and 8 others were now victims of a "Reduction in Force". M@*&^^%$^%ing Corporations. Oh well, at least the house payment and other bills are still covered. Honsetly, I think that the RIF has actually been more helpful, overall, as I NO LONGER answer to a timeclock, some jackweed of a supervisor or have to do the "unsavory" jobs. I now have more time to spend with my family, esp. my kids, go 4wheeling more, and still be able to be around the house, whether I am working on some elses' vehicle, farm equipment, or actually tending to my house/yard. Hang in th3re, and see what kind of skills that you have that might be needed around where you live...you might be surprised at what people can not do that you take for granted as a skill.

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that sucks. i hope you get a new one quick. this economy is hitting people hard. i am selling 2 trucks for a friend that owns a construction company. he just can't keep up with the amount they cost him and still make some money for his family. he feels it worse since he just built a new house before everything crashed.


things are so bad it actually make me glad i'm on disability. it stinks but at least i don't have to worry about losing my job. :shake:

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Sorry to hear it man... :(


I have been out of work from the automotive business since November 3rd. I just started school (at 44 years old) to get my AA in Healthcare Administration as there is just not much promise in the auto field any more. :shake:

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