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comanche coil buckets

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Sounds like your trying to use the STOCK short control arms. If so, your caster is WACKED BAD!!! @7.5" you MUST legnthen BOTH upper and lower arms. Even then, the ride will be choppy and AWEFUL!!!! You really NEED tio look into a long arm setup or at the very least, drop brackets. THEN get better steering because also @7.5" the stock set up is binding to beat hell....



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  BREEZE1 said:
ROCKCRAWLER LIFTS ARE JUNK AND SO ARE THE F'ERS WHO WORK THERE!!! as you can tell ive had problems with them before my self!!!!


That's cool; thanks for sharing your opinion. :nuts: Now maybe you could elaborate and it might help the original poster, si?

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so i don't care who talks $#!& about rock krawler its solid cold rold. and i had it on my zj purfect. and u don't have to drop your front suspention while working with tranny. i had 5.5 before my buddy has 9s from rusty I'm just making new coils

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I guess I had a little too much "holiday cheer" to have read that post correctly and completely. :ack: :???: Sorry.


I'm still guessing its a geometry thing and pete is spot on, PICTURES are necessarry to "see" what your talking about.



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Still very hard to say without pictures on something like this, but cutting buckets off and moving them is definitely not the answer. Something about the axle is not oriented correctly...we/you just need to figure out what that is. Please post some pictures (as requested) so we can try to give you better advice if possible :cheers:

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  muddymj said:
the coils are at a slant backwards torwards the cab at a angle. the long arms are adujusted right cause i mest around with it finding best angle that had less of a bow


I have read this post three times and I still don't know what you said......


Please post a pic, we are all willing to help. Without a picture, this is purely a waste of time.



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  muddymj said:
the coils are at a slant backwards torwards the cab at a angle. the long arms are adujusted right cause i mest around with it finding best angle that had less of a bow


I have read this post three times and I still don't know what you said......


Please post a pic, we are all willing to help. Without a picture, this is purely a waste of time.




CW, I think he is answering the question I asked. The round "plate" on the axle that the coil spring sits on is angled back toward the cab instead of flat/straight up. Which to me means the axle has to be rotated forward. It sounds to me like you need to adjust the control arms a little longer to rotate the axle; unless I am missing something.

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no i did rotate it back I'm sending pics now. i adjusted the lowers out half way even so the axle would slant pinion down and it didnt help. i adjusted them all at no threads and its like in the pictures. if i adjust the upper dif control arm it will just make them more of a bow

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i have angled the lowers back that does not fix problem and. in the picture the lowers heims are fully in. extending the upper would make it worse on my page. I'm thinking rock krawler is bull $#!& beside they sent me wj directions for the lift.... ps / and i know the track bar is not on but that won't effect the forward wrap on the coils i had it on i just took it off

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In those pictures...the upper arms need to be shortened considerably, and probably the lowers need to be extended a little, to bring that pinion back down where it is supposed to be. The pinion should not be pointing up at the t-case like that...it should be as close to the stock postion as possible with only minor adjsutment for alignment purposes.

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It looks to me like its time to go back to the instructions and re-check everything. Blhtaz is right, your control arms are not adjusted correctly. Get out the tape measure and start with the wheel base and then get out the angle finder and set the caster for the proper 8-9degrees. THEN, lets see what you have.....


IF you cannot get back to stock wheel base and the required caster settings, the lift is either for the wrong application, is designed poorly or welded together wrong. In either case your next step is to contact the seller or manufacturer.



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  muddymj said:
i have angled the lowers back that does not fix problem and. in the picture the lowers heims are fully in. extending the upper would make it worse on my page. I'm thinking rock krawler is bull $#!+ beside they sent me wj directions for the lift.... ps / and i know the track bar is not on but that won't effect the forward wrap on the coils i had it on i just took it off

X3 on the upper arms. You have way to much pinion angle.


Just throwing this out there. If they sent you directions for a WJ lift are you 100% sure the lift itself is not for a WJ?

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I agree with taz and CW. When I told you to lengthen the control arms it was based on you telling me the buckets were pointed back toward the cab, but in your picture they are pointing forward toward the grill, not back the cab.


I would first call rock krawler and find out if there is a way to tell for sure if the lift is for a WJ. No point in trying to redo/adjust everything if they sent you the wrong lift.

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If he has a stock style front drive shaft with the double cardan joint up top, then the pinion u-joint angle under normal consitions should be straight. IE the pinion pointing directly to the end of the double cardan joint, which is steeper than pointing at the transfer case. With that much lift, however you may well end up with a negative caster angle, which is worse than a bad pinion angle. So you may have to compromise on both to still get some caster and hopefully not have drive line vibrations off the front drive shaft.

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see thats what I'm saying. the upper is all the way in. and i had the lowers half way out which lowered my pinion angle but i put it like that right before picks to see if it fixed anything. i contacted them last night through a email ill let u no how it goes that for the sugestions i was getting pist about to rig some new coil buckets

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