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Big Red 97 ZJ

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Through my never ending struggle of not getting more Jeeps.....I got another Jeep. This was a trade though so technically didn't get more at least that's what I'm trying to convince my wife of.  Currently my youngest daughter loves the F out of it. It's big and red, two of her favorite things. So hence the name, BigRed. She calls it her monster truck.  Here's the specs...


-97 Zj 4.0 Auto

-D30/8.8 4.10s with spartan front and standard LSD rear

-Core long arms all around

-242 w/sye

-WJ front knuckle




Not planning to do a lot. Gears suck but they still get around better than stock. Just ordered a bunch of maintenance items and will poke around in this while I build the WJ. Here's some pics I got from the PO. 




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10 hours ago, 89 MJ said:

This is a neat one. 
How is the WJ build going? Anything worthy of it getting a build thread update? :brows:


Thanks, it's decent. Never had a ZJ so fun to tinker with something else and find all those other jeep problems in a different model.  


As for the WJ m an I wish. Been slowly gathering all the parts.  Picked up the gas tank tuck skid. Need to ship my ARB to Carl Jantz so he can machine it to accept the D50 gears up front and get the rest of the parts for the Jana54 kit. Trying to not throw it on jack stands before I had most of the parts. I'm about 80% there with the parts I need.  

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  • 2 months later...

Been tinkering on things. I suck at pics when I'm working. Just get in a zone and go. Been doing lots of maintenace items after driving it and finding things. Replaced plugs, wires, cap and rotor, rad cap, speakers, head unit, fixed some of the quirks with electronics but have more to go.


Just silly how so many issues are from previous hack jobs. Speakers didnt work because, one they weren't attached to anything just dangling in the doors and two wires weren't actually connected just tied to the connectors. They had a good run but for the few bucks to get a BT deck and speakers , much better. 


Next will do the battery cables and fluids. Need to adjust the doors as they don't close "right". Been driving around here and there. Can definitely feel MTs and joints all around. Rough ride but it's fun. 


Probably sell it this spring. Spent a lot of coin on parts for my WJ build and rather focus on that. 







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  • 3 weeks later...

Weather was great today so chipped away on some more things. Did a oil change,  swapped out the clapped out battery cables for new jeepcables kit. Swapped in a bored TB I had laying around as well. It idles a lot smoother and definitely has some more umph on the low end. Think some 4 hole injectors would be nice, but I'm capped on how much I'm spending on it. 


Fun times but man, now I remember why I don't buy others people rigs. The amount of half assed janky crap fixes is nuts. Random crap just dangling. Whatever at least it's "fun"! 




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