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Okay so my search hasn't exactly been the most fruitful of the following question. 


What are the dimensions of a Renix 4.0 TPS bolt and IAC bolt? I wanted to replace the bolts because I lost one, the other TPC bolt started stripping at the torx head, and the IAC bolts somehow have a triangular shape to the shaft. On a whim yesterday, I took the TPS bolt to the hardware store, and it seemed to match with an M5, but the M5s that I took home seem too big. Today I returned and noticed that the TPS bolt will thread into both the M5 and the 10-32 gauges. But when I compare the bolt to what they have, it seems the threads don't sawtooth together with the 10-32 bolts. Or maybe it was 8-32, heck I dunno, I've got so many numbers already to memorize...


The IAC looks to have a larger diameter shaft.


'89 4.0 Renix, by the way. 

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Those TPS screws are a super goofy size, like 5.5mm or something. You're not gonna have any luck finding them aftermarket. Talk to Jeff Leigh jeff@strokedjeep.com he can tell you the exact size and may have some, I sent him a bunch of them when he bored my renix TB. Only place I've been able to find those screws are the junkyard.

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I continued my search for the query and after nearly an hour looking online, through some miracle I may have come up on the answer incidentally. I don't know yet, but apparently the Renix TPS screws are 8-36x1". 


I looked. Ain't not a one of the damn hardware stores within fifty of me have ever carried a 36 thread bolt before! 


Luckily, I have learned that McMaster-Carr has these size bolts. I'm going to order some tonight, and if they fit, I'll be posting on here with a link an everything because I doubt I'll be the last cat on the block to ask this question.

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Okay folks, here's the skinny!!!


For those curious or in search of the answer: My '89 4.0 TPS required (x2) 8-36x1" bolts. It is my understanding that this is the standard with Renix Jeeps.


Yes, McMaster-Carr does indeed stock what you will need, however, I ordered from eBay because I didn't want to create another account at this time.



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