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Tough lesson

Chad R

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  On Monday morning before work my iPhone decided to commit suicide by jumping into my outside wood boiler. It was in there for about 5 to 7 min before I realized it was in there. Body of phone looked ok the phone case took most of the damage. Unfortunately It was in to long and must have melted the inside of the phone because it quite working. I have been able to get all apps and contacts recovered but lost all my pictures. 


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I thought they were. The only thing that came back was all my contacts. I had to reload all apps then try and remember all passwords, that are now written down in a book.  Luckily most of my daughters pictures I had taken I had sent my wife so those are not lost.

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I personally don’t back up anything other than contacts to the cloud. I just don’t really need to be burning through data to do that, and I’m not convinced the cloud will always be there when I need to get at something. My phone is supposed to be backing up to my desktop over wifi when I plug it in at night, but I’ve had things happen where I missed the wrong update, or my desktop got powered off because I rarely use it, where I went a few months with no backup, and I did once lose a couple months worth of pictures. But it’s better than losing everything.

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