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Tempreture sender

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Need help

my comanche 1988 

temperuter gauge not work , and wire of sender 12v ! This normal?? I think no .

i cheked conction between gauge and sensor but found tow wire output from geuge one wire from sensor another wire i don't know where to go . 

Whats problem? I need wiring daigram .







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The wire for the sender comes from the gauge, and is supposed to have 12v. The sender is a variable resistor that grounds to the engine block. If you pull the connector off the gauge should read zero, and if you ground it, it should peg the gauge to the top. If that checks out, the issue is between the connector and ground. Probably the sender. Don’t use any thread sealer or plumbing tape on the sender threads or it won’t work.

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19 hours ago, 87MJTIM said:

My wife says the same thing.  I don't know what she means.  :dunno:


She's probability talking about the best 2 minutes of her life. I know. I've heard that tune before.  :laugh:

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19 hours ago, gogmorgo said:

The wire for the sender comes from the gauge, and is supposed to have 12v. The sender is a variable resistor that grounds to the engine block. If you pull the connector off the gauge should read zero, and if you ground it, it should peg the gauge to the top. If that checks out, the issue is between the connector and ground. Probably the sender. Don’t use any thread sealer or plumbing tape on the sender threads or it won’t work.


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