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69 firebird self dubbed the phenix

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hello all! this is a build thread i am creating to help show the rebuild of my dads dream car. his 1969 pontiac firebird. its a 350 4 on the floor car. originally it was a 350 HO car with an automatic. someone swapped a muncie 4 speed in.


this is the first photo of it when i dad bought it about 10 years ago.

looks good right?

the 400 hood is not correct. and little did we know just how bad the car actually was.. the poor thing had been hacked together worse than ive ever seen.

but this thread is about the journey with my dad and i and the trials and tribulations of building it back up to its former glory.

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so years go by, the car had been partially disassembled and life got in the way so it was parked in storage..

this is when we pulled it out of its hibernating spot to bring it home to start again on bringing her back




the doors and fenders were junk. bondo, rivet panels everywhere. sadly no photos but they were stripped of all good parts and junked.

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sub frame removed and firewall stripped of parts


the floors. they looked better than they actually were.. we started drilling out the seat braces to reuse. altimately though we just decided to get new ones.


dash partially stripped and the hack repair work for where the radio goes. all welded and elongated.


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and so begins the fun. oxy-accetalyne torch and cut off wheels. the cutting begins.


so initially, with this project we were under the impression that we could cut out the floors, firewall, cowl/dash and go from there. weld in new floors and firewall and everything else would be a breeze.

no... the more we cut and dug into the more we found and did not like..





a prime example of what we found as we cut.. and it got worse. unisides were swiss cheese with urethane and rivets. wheel wells too..

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after we had set up our jig, and layed out some of the sheet metal we started prepping, welding, grinding, and more sheet metal

drlled holes in the rear unibody rails where we could not weld from the top where the trunk floor lays across.




drilled, prepped and coated trunk floor pan with zink weld thru.


floor pan burned in, minus a few spots, and welds ground down


main floor pan laid down for fitment. it was a decent fit some work needed at the firewall area. but thats a common thing on these repop panels

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as it turns out i am missing a few photos to explain what happens in between the last photo and the next..
so aftermarket sheet metal for these old cars can be real hit or miss.. the quality is not great and i get that. as most of the dowels used to stamp these pieces are the original from the 60's. what can you do?
so, after burning in the main section of flooring we tried fitting one of the uniside sections on to see how it would fit relative to the floors and our work.

it wasnt great.

where the rear shock mounting area kind of protrudes out interfered with the rear wheel well and rear uniside section fitment. the metal was forcing the uniside out and forward. and we couldnt really massage that area of the floor pan in as it was multiple layers of metal welded together..

lucky for us, my dad had ordered a full floor pan section already welded together.. for all intensive purposes.

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so we had gone ahead and fit one, then the other side of the unibody sections. and although things look decent the fitment was poor. the left rear wheel well to floor pan had a huge gap and we could not get the uniside to slide back enough to fill it in.. and the right side was worse

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