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MASH 4077th anniversary


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It been 35 years sense the final episode, can you believe that. Last weekend my girl and I hiked 3 miles into the sight where they shot the series. It’s in the Santa Monica mountains. The hike isn’t so bad just some steep hills. They had a flood last year that took out most of what was left of the buildings, and a fire had happened too, unfortunately. There are picnic tables set up under some camo netting where the mess tent was. We took a set then the most pleasant surprise happened. A guy walk over and asked if we wanted 2 grape Née Hi sodas, Radars favorite. He and his 3 sons had hiked in to celebrate with Nee’Hi sodas. He was a huge fan of the show and he didn’t want to carry them back. There is one store in LA that sells nothing but discontinued sodas. Small independent bottlers bought the rites and recipes and continue to distribute it. Just about everything you can think of is there. I bought a Tab there a few years ago. It’s a long way away from the Santa Monica mountains. This guy went through some trouble to get that soda here. Ya he was a supper fan. We talked it’s him for a while drank our Nee Hi and headed back. It was a great day and I’m glad I did it. They series did leave some of the trucks and one very torn up Jeep. e8e278d4f2e12da59a6ce2b98ead62de.jpgb12494abe4079b295673b8e260d20ab6.jpgc9584030ead75832c7564416d07f1b4a.jpg




88 Pioneer 4x4 auto LB D30/D44

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"Through early morning fog I see..."


Brings back fond memories of a great show.  I am looking for the helicopters coming in with wounded.


Wish I could get out there to see it.

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The copper pad is really close. The hike brought back some good memories. That was my dads favorite show. The flood must have really taken of the road into it. There’s no way they could have gotten heavy equipment laden trucks in there. On the way in I recognized a few of the locations where they did a few scenes. A few stands of old trees with the road winding through them were very Familiar. I seem to recall radar driving a Jeep through them. They must have had to build the road into it because the two bridges I saw were way over built. Solid concert over a stream bed out with heavy steel. I’m sure they were pulling 5ton if not semi trucks back in there. Now they are just over built bridges on a hiking path. I understand why they chose that location because it’s so remote and quite. There were hardy any planes going over. It must have been out of the main glide paths into LAX. that was before digital film so each take that the sound was bad was big bucks down the drain. And the chopper would have had pretty clear airspace to maneuver and get set up for shots. The valley were the camp was isn’t very big so they had some good pilots. It would have been a blast to hike in and watch the filming. I’m sure they would have had as locked down set. But there is allot of places in the mountains surrounding the set where you could watch with a set of binoculars. That would have been a kick.

88 Pioneer 4x4 auto LB D30/D44
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The actors in that show made millions in residuals. Once that show got syndicated basically after I think it’s four years of production various stations picked it up. Each time you saw the episodes the actors made money. I can recall flipping through the channels and that show was on three different stations at the same time. And the foreign residuals well huge too. That show ran all over the world for years. I think that’s why you really didn’t see too much of those actors after that show ended. They really made enough money to live for the rest of their lives. They didn’t have to work. I know Gary Bergogh had his fill of Hollywood and moved back to Florida prior to production ending. That’s why you didn’t see that much He departed after7 seasons. Then Klinger was featured more. I worked at Disney in the early 90s and he would stay at there camp ground in his motor home with his kids. Disney would pay stars to come in and make a few days of appearances at MGM STUDIOS PARK. I’m not sure if he did that he kept a pretty low profile after that show ended. Just wanted to have a simple life after that. I don’t think he was very comfortable with fame. He was an inventor he invented fishing tackle and a toilet seat.

88 Pioneer 4x4 auto LB D30/D44
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Probably the best ending of a TV series. Next might be the second Bob Newhart show.

My god that was the funniest best written show on TV. If you watch that show today it’s still hilarious. And then you have Darrel and his other brother Darrel. What was the name of his second show where he owned the Inn. Was it just Bob Newhart?

88 Pioneer 4x4 auto LB D30/D44
88 Eliminator 4x2 5sp SB D35
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       The series in the 70's was 'The Bob Newhart Show'. The latter one in the 90's was 'Newhart'. 

        MASH was/is timeless. A bit left leaning, but it did present moral dilemmas.  They changed characters,  and the show was just as good maybe even better. There was "After MASH'. It didn't last but a few episodes.

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I've been to Tony Packo's a handful of times. Used to go a Radio Control trade show. Neat place. Good food. When I went to the Dakota plant in Detroit, we ate at a similar place. It was done in a 50's neon style though.

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Have to echo MASH was one of the best TV series' ever.  Another credit was each replacement character was as good, or better than the predecessor.


Not many surviving cast members.  The lastest  passing was David Ogden Stiers who died of bladder cancer.   

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