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Wiring Mess

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Well today I finally started tackling the PO's wiring mess after 11yrs of ownership LOL. I'm only the 2nd owner and the guy before me was the Splice King! Sheesh! I know he had fog lights, aftermarket stereo and amp, but what in the world else would you need to splice so much for? He also hardwired the aux fan, but I'm good with that. 


This is what I pulled today with much of it tucked up tight in the dash and the long red power cable going through the firewall. May not look like much but it was a pain to get to and get out. 




Here you can see 2 inline fuse holders, one a blade type and the other a tube type. But look at the splices with electrical tape, wth?




What is this relay/solenoid for and what is the round can-like part that it is bolted on top of? The blue wire is spliced to a spade connector on there as is the large orange wire which is spliced in to the red wire coming out of the loom.




Finally, what is the connector for/to that I am holding with the pliers? It has not been connected to anything since I bought the truck and I've never found a corresponding connector unattached in that area. I think it was an 8 pin connector and had 5 female pins in it. 



Thanks for any help............



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There's no easy way to know when to cut out or not hack wiring until you physically trace each circuit to the distant end to determine if it's a functioning circuit or not. PITA maximus, but it's really the only safe way.

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All that really makes me miss my 1947 Hudson pickup. There were, IIRC, only two fuses in the entire wiring harness. I rewired the whole truck in one week, working about 3 hours in the evenings after supper.

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3 minutes ago, HOrnbrod said:

There's no easy way to know when to cut out or not hack wiring until you physically trace each circuit to the distant end to determine if it's a functioning circuit or not. PITA maximus, but it's really the only safe way.

That's what I did today, fortunately nothing was functioning or hot. Got a few more to track down.  



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Do you have the factory wiring diagrams for your MJ?  If not, that is probably the FIRST thing you need to get, as it will help you determine what is add-on versus what is stock (and possibly "repaired").


I hate digging into vehicles where people who don't know how to do proper wiring have been messing around.

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I do have the electric manual, and thanks Eagle for posting a link to one in case I didn't. Yes, I'll probably use that to pinpoint certain things. 


Still curious what the relay is in pic #3 and the part it is bolted on top of?



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Photos under the hood of an almost stock '88 4.0L:


On the right side, the relay on the inner fender is for fog lights that I installed. Back at the firewall, you can see that the plastic coolant bottle has been replaced with a Moroso aluminum surge tank. That required the overflow catch tank by the air cleaner box, and the overflow bottle required relocating the ballast connector.


The C101 connector has been removed.








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My stupid camera auto-rotated most of the pics. Sorry, folks. It's a camera that's still fairly new to me and I'm still learning all its little tricks. I have now turned off that "feature." If I want a photo to be oriented vertical, I can turn the camera.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Digging in to the mess some more today and I find these connectors underneath the ignition coil. The 2 lead connector only has one wire and what's left of a 2nd wire (green). Coming from the wiring loom you can see 2 green wires go in to electrical tape but only 1 green wire comes out and goes to the other 3 lead connector.  Again, I can't imagine this is supposed to be this way. Any help on what these connectors are for but more importantly if there is supposed to be a 2nd wire still connected to the 2 lead connector?? 



In this picture you can see the 2 green wires (yellow wire in between them) coming together and taped but only 1 green wire coming out. In both pics you can see the green nub on the 2 lead connector and only a yellow wire going in to it. WTH



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16 minutes ago, Ωhm said:

Kinda looks like someone hooked up a second Ignition module. Can you check for continuity between those connectors and the connectors plugged into the Ignition module?

Are you talking about the ignition relay on the steering column or something else? Not sure I follow on "ignition module". 

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Ignition module is just below those connectors. Thing with the coil on it. Note it has one 3pin connector and one 2pin connector on it. Actually its a Ignition Control Module (ICM).

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2 minutes ago, Ωhm said:

Ignition module is just below those connectors. Thing with the coil on it. Note it has one 3pin connector and one 2pin connector on it. Actually its a Ignition Control Module (ICM).

Those ARE the connectors to the ICM. I pulled them to inspect the pins and noticed the 2pin connector only had the 1 yellow wire and the nub of a green wire. That's my question, is the 2pin connector supposed to have a second (green) wire in it? And adding to the confusion as I was trying to show in the picture, there are 2 green wires coming out of the loom but then they are taped (spliced maybe) together and only 1 green wire goes to the 3pin connector. 

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5 minutes ago, WahooSteeler said:

That's my question, is the 2pin connector supposed to have a second (green) wire in it?


8 minutes ago, WahooSteeler said:

there are 2 green wires coming out of the loom but then they are taped (spliced maybe) together and only 1 green wire goes to the 3pin connector.

They should be spliced together.

  1. Tachometer in dash
  2. ICM
  3. Diagnostic Connector (D1-1)
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