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Need a new rad

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87 2.5 4spd. I'm looking to replace my radiator. Have seen both the Spectra as well as a Napa brand in my search.Thoughts,comments or reviews? I actually looked for a radiator shop around town. They use to be a dime a dozen growing up. I may as well of been looking for a movie rental place with beta. There's no money any more in it. Just looking for a nice drop in replacement that won't break the bank. Thank-you.

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Yeah, specialty shops seem to be drying up. Everyone just either takes their cars back to the dealer that sold it or else the bottom-dollar mechanic of their choice when anything comes up it seems.

I'm also running a Spectra rad in my '91 4.0. Plastic tanks and aluminum body. There are mixed reviews of their quality online, but I once froze mine solidly enough I blew hoses off (after grabbing the wrong bottle in the dark) and the rad was fine. Still no leaks, no overheating, almost 15,000 miles later.

I have no knowledge of the Napa brand one, so I can say anything about it, although my experience is they usually only put their name on parts of reasonable quality. :dunno:

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I think I remember that now as well. I also remember that the studs for the top mounts were painted over or powder coated or something, and I had to run a tap over them before I could get a nut on. Just something to be aware of and check before you buy, in case you won't have a set of metric taps handy. I think they were metric at least. It was over two years ago so there's no way I could remember the exact size.

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I've had a Spectra cooling my 2.5 for a few years and 15k miles (I need to drive it more!). It was a bolt in affair and has cooled the truck without issues pulling loads in the summer and idling up high altitude mountain pass trails.


Make sure you get a new Mopar thermostat while doing the radiator.

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Still pertaining to my radiator... Didn't want to start another thread here. There are bushings that attach the rad to the frame with bolts that go through them one on either side. Any idea where I can find replacements? I'm not even sure what they are referred to as. I've searched using radiator bushings with no luck. If anyone knows a part number for replacement? Searched the JY today but as you know most of the time it's like looking for unicorn parts! Thanks

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When I get home I'll see if I still have one in my parts XJ. No guarantees though, I think I stole them already for my MJ. I had to reuse them when I put the spectra in and they weren't in perfect shape after 300,000 miles in the MJ.

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