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Most reliable fuel pump?

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Original pump went out so i replaced it, then gas tank started to leak a little so i replaced it.  I'll be damn the new pump has stopped workin. 




This is the pump i replaced the old one with, purchased from rock auto, since i have to replace, I really don't like dropping the tank (this will be the 4th time) so I am looking for the best original pump money can buy.


opinions please.

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I have the same problem. Original pump would not keep pressure up. So I bought one at O'reillies store. Installed it. One issue was it never held pressure when engine was shut down. (I have a fuel pressure gauge mounted on y fuel rail). The other pumps would hold pressure for a few hours after engine off. This pump would drain.


The pump made great pressure, it actually blew the hose off in-side the tank. I thought the pump went bad, but after I removed the assembly, I saw the hose popped off.


Now, the problem is the pump can't keep up. I think it lost flow volume.


I'm debating on going external.



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Now, the problem is the pump can't keep up. I think it lost flow volume. I'm debating on going external.

If you do, be sure to do a good writeup with lots of pics for the DIY forum.  :thumbsup:  I'll be doing the same if/when my Bosch pump goes belly-up. 

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I am putting a new pump in my 89 mj. I purchased one from autozone. I need the full assembly [ pump and sending unit}. It was a "direct replacement" not!!!! The strainer and sending unit face the wrong way. They do not go into the baffle in the bottom of the tank. Back to the store I go!!!!!

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 Good used is your only option for the correct MJ sending unit.  You got the sending unit for an XJ which, as you discovered, faces the wrong way.  Check the classifieds section or post something in the wanted section.  We all tend to horde MJ parts and someone is bound to have a spare floating around they could let go. 

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Thank you all so very much. The more i read and study these jeeps the more and more my mind is saying go to napa for my parts.

You can get the Bosch 69302 much cheaper than Napa's price. For instance Amazon or Rock Auto.........

I got mine off of ebay for 65$ shipped. Arrived in 3 days. I also have a writeup on how to modify the sending unit for the Bosch pump to fit. I can't link it because I'm on my phone, but take a looksee in the DIY section!
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