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AW4 transmission starting in second gear??

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Hi when i start comanche and put in drive its very sluggish have to rev it hard so it could move feels like its starting in second gear if i put it in 1st it works like in should but if put in drive after i start moves really slow any idea what could be the cause does this mean my transmission is bad?

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Sounds like what happens when the transmission controller is unplugged. What happens is the transmission goes into a kind of manual mode, where the gear lever corresponds directly to the gear you're in. D puts you in overdrive, 3 in third, and 2-1 puts you in first.

Check the trans fuse, and wiring to the tcu, which is bolted to the back of the lower dash panel, about where the passenger's left knee would be. I suppose it could also be a bad tcu, but I think that's pretty rare.

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