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Seat Pan Repair

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Is this worth trying to fix? I'm not sure how to go about fixing it because the foam is glued to the metal and I'm sure the foam would just burn if I tried to weld it.


Are the seat pans in the MJ/XJ the same? If so it is easy enough to find one at the junkyard since all I need is the actual seat pan. Truck is a '92 with buckets.

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Well I've done the swap. Works.  


Have verified the pan is still available. VERY Expen$ive.


Have also kept a wet rag in one hand while my buddy welded the booger all back up and while ugly. Works fine also. 

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The drivers side seat pan gets roached out over time due to all the toxic gas that passes through. Especially in Cruiser's vehicles.

Yep. Spicy vegan diet. The propellant and added toxic gasses erode the aluminum bucket. 

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Found a '91 XJ in the junkyard with a pretty cherry interior, $12 for the seat. Bam, done.


Found a '91 XJ in the junkyard with a pretty cherry interior, $12 for the seat. Bam, done.


Unfortunately I made the mistake of washing to seat cover before I put it back on and it's much cleaner looking (and better smelling) than the rest of the seat. :ack:

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