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Un-Doing A Xj Soa Swap. Need Some Help.

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D44 doesn't always mean MT, the 88 4wd pioneer swb i have had a 44 rear with the 3/1 pack in it and the 44 has the larger 10x2.5 brakes versus the 35 with the 9x1.75 brakes.The extra springs that are bolted to the top of the pack are just helper springs to aid in holding a higher load without bottoming out, or the springs were already sagging so they put them on as a cheap fix to bring the height back up.

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You might have metric ton springs with the extra helpers bolted on to them, just took a closer look at the pic of the new springs and zoomed in on it and you've got a 4/1 pack which I believe has always been denoted as a metric ton pack. If it was me I would take off the overload springs that someone previously bolted on as they're only a bandaid on a broken leg. If the springs are sagged and can't hold as much weight then you'd be better off ordering new MT spring packs from somewhere like general spring or hell creek.

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D44 doesn't always mean MT, the 88 4wd pioneer swb i have had a 44 rear with the 3/1 pack in it and the 44 has the larger 10x2.5 brakes versus the 35 with the 9x1.75 brakes.The extra springs that are bolted to the top of the pack are just helper springs to aid in holding a higher load without bottoming out, or the springs were already sagging so they put them on as a cheap fix to bring the height back up.

For the AMC years, the D35 had 10x1.75" rear drums. Chrysler changed to 9x2.5". I don't believe there was ever a 9x1.75" rear brake used under the MJ or the XJ.

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Ok so I finally got a chance to go over to the junkyard and gather some info.

Here's what the VIN search reveals:

"VIN : 1JTML6513JT190486
Country : United States
Manufacturer : Jeep Corporation
Vehicle Type : Truck
Engine :  1989, 6 Cyl. 4.2 Liter / 4.0L I-6 Cyl. MPI
Powertrain : 5-speed manual, floor gear shift, part time 4 W/D
Line (Body Type) : Jeep Comanche, 4-W/D Pickup, 7.0' bed, 120" wheel base
Model and Gross Vehicle Weight : 4001#-5000# : Wrangler Base / Cherokee Base / Comanche Base [1815/2268 Kg]
Check Digit : 3
Year : 1988
Plant Location : Toledo, Ohio, USA
Sequential Serial Number : 190486
Check Digit Test : VIN valide"
That's that. "1815/2268 Kq" means the donor is not a Metric Ton.
So what I'm wondering, is what separates the MT from the 'towing package' with big brakes and d44? Is it just the presence of the OEM helper springs and some badges?
Also here's a pic of it. I did want the bed, but a dent turned up in the side since I'd seen it last.
Still getting the doors and front axle though...
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