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Headliner Issues

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He used to advertise on CL, don't see him now.


Might look for something close and trim to fit http://charlotte.craigslist.org/pts/4374839549.html



Or, if it were me and I had no other options......I'd pull it out, clean it, try to return it to its original shape, then fiberglass it.......2 layers..........then new foam and new headliner.

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What I did was get some of that foil bubble wrap stuff and contact cement it to the roof of the truck and the back panel. Once it dried I contact cemented fabric over the top so the glare didn't drive me crazy. Probably works better than the actual headliner.

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Alright here are the pictures. Sadly no pictures available of the mossy oak breakup fabric we put over it. 






Mine looks fine, it's just the whole headliner sags(not just the fabric sagging from the foam). How can I secure the headliner to the underside of the roof?

roll on contact cement. not the spray, i already made that mistake. Go to your local Home Depot and pick up a jar of it and a small roller and some brushes

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