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Removing Gauge Cluster To Change Lights

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Have you tried turning the headlight switch? It's also a dimmer for the interior lights.


Getting the cluster off isn't hard, but be careful. All you'll need to get it off is a Philips screwdriver.

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Be very careful with the speedometer cable. Not sure what year yours is but some (88 for instance) have a plastic end at the speedometer that can be broken very easily. Unbolt the speedometer able clamp on the firewall in the engine bay to give you some slack to get your hand behind the cluster. Maybe disconnect the cable at the transmission for more slack. That may give you a chance of removing it without breaking it.

Maybe someone will jump end and describe the types of cable ends the were used.

My 88 didn't have a cable when I bought it but I found an 88 XJ at the JY with a good cable. Disconnected the cable at the transmission, took the clamp off and was able to pull the cluster out far enough to see the speedometer end of the cable and remove it. The cluster was a full one (with tach), so I got it also and reset the mileage to match the original cluster.

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I've found it easier to drop the steering column so I can get my gorilla hand up there to disconnect the speedo cable when I take the gauge cluster out.  Take out the trim panel under the column that runs door to door.  Drop the column by loosening two hex nuts that hold it on.  Catch the half moon trim piece that will pop off when you do that.  Take the screws off the dash bezel trim.  Remove that carefully.  Mine likes to hang up around the radio area.  Remove the screws holding the cluster to the dash.  Reach up and disconnect your speedo cable.  This will give you enough slack to get to the wires on the back of the cluster.  That's really all there is to it.  Once you get that far its pretty much obvious what you need to do.

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Any cable driven speedo driven Cherokee gauge cluster will work.  My '88 was the base model as well.  I got a gauge cluster from a early Cherokee and did the white face update with led lights.  Glad I did that too.



Give this a try. 

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Any cable driven speedo driven Cherokee gauge cluster will work.  My '88 was the base model as well.  I got a gauge cluster from a early Cherokee and did the white face update with led lights.  Glad I did that too.



Give this a try. 

You know the part no.s for the sensors that have to be changed?Also anything else I should know?Also the picture in the link was not there.


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I couldn't tell you what the part numbers are.  I went to my local auto parts store and told the guy behind the counter what I needed.  They will either ask you if you have gauges or lights.  You want the oil sending and temp sensor units for gauges.  When you hold them in your hand, you'll see the difference.  The oil sending unit is just below the dizzy.  The temp sensor is up close to the drivers firewall area.


The pics are there, you just have to look below the "this person moved or deleted this image." tag.  I haven't played with photobucket enough to fix that.

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whitegauges.net is the ones I used.  http://www.whitegauges.net/products/1987%252d1990-Jeep-Cherokee-Non-Tach-White-Face-Gauges.html  I even got the LEDs from them.  When you do a light count, don't include in your count the turn signals and brights.  I've heard blinding stories about people using leds in the turn signals and brights.  As for the installation?  It was easy.  They're applied with a soapy solution so you can position them correctly.  Press out any bubbles and blow dry with a hair dryer....

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I probably go thru 12-15 XJ'S a year that I pick up just to scrap out. Mostly just for parts for my MJ'S. I always get a chuckle when I need something and have to go to the P&P because I don't have it. I'm on a first name basis with all the guys there so it's not to bad. They are all aware that I have a standing offer of $20 for who ever calls me first when a MJ comes in.

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