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Cb Radio!

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This actually interests me somewhat as I have my old Cobra 25 from my last truck sitting in a closet collecting dust.  I was thinking about mounting it on the top of the dash, but realized that there probably won't be enough room, and it would look ugly.  Since I got rid of the full size console for the mini-console, I have a space between it and the dash that would be nearly perfect for it, so I am thinking of making my own custom angled bracket with some sheet steel I have laying around and securing it to the dash rail.

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Overhead mounting makes me nervous.  I'm 6'5 and mostly torso.  As it is my head is fairly close to the headliner, and I have this thing about stuff being in close proximity of my head, even if it doesn't post much threat to actually causing me harm.

I was thinking of mounting mine exactly like you have yours PFCLeist, but between the dash and mini console, right behind the shifter.  It should fit, and the Hurst shifter I have on the AX-15 has a shorter throw, so the lever shouldn't even hit it.

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NICE! An ashtray-radio would kill! I was thinking of pulling the stereo, installing it in the dash slot, and just running an old ipod or something similar to a small power amp. Save some space and pick my own music. I don't need to be advertised to 24-7 anyway.

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I actually have a pair of tight coil shorty CB antennas matched to my CB that I am probably going to bed rail mount when/if I get around to installing it.  

The ash tray mounting idea was essentially what I was looking to do.  With the ash tray removed it looks like it will leave a perfectly sized space for narrower CB's like mine.

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