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4X4 Not Working

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What's up guys this weekend I went to go offroad with a few guys from another forum and I went into the mud pile and no working 4 wheel drive....I'm going to pull off the cover for the cad system today since I already locked it but to check why wasn't it working....


Any other ideas why it didn't work??

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Yes...I rolled to put the lever into 4h then stopped to put it into 4l then moved forward a bit to make sure it's in 4l....then drive in the mud about 50ft and just the rear wheels spinning and no front wheel spinning...the area wasn't that thick or deep to stop the tires in place...

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Yes my front drive shaft was spinning but the front axle for some reason wasn't engaged....even after doing the cad lock....I'm going to open the cover this weekend if the weather permits to see what's wrong with it...


I'm really considering upgrading to the 297 one peice axle shafts

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That's what my buddy said but before i open the diff cover I want to make sure that I Open that cad block and make sure it's in full lock...

Stick with your original plan. Spider gears going away are usually accompanied by lots of noise and jerking. Don't get off on any other tangents til you've pulled the CAD cover. You could have a bent fork, broken roll pin or something.


Keep us posted.

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Will do cruiser... But I was also thinking that I daily drive this truck everyday and haven't heard any clunking it any weird noises driving it...so I'm sure that it's the cad


I'm agreeing. I'm thinking carnuck is throwing out useless random crap as usual. Your line of thinking is spot-on.

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