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87 Mj

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Hey guys


Just picked up a 1987 Comanche 2wd 2.5L 4 speed floor shift manual and its not turning over when i turn the key i don't hear the fuel pump at all so thats the first thing i gotta get is the inline 4 the same as the inline 6? also if i put a little gas or starter fulid in the TB it doesn't even try to run. The guy i got it from said he replaced the following spark plugs,ignition coil,CPS,distributor,rotor,starter.



thanks for the help

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The 2.5 fuel pump will not work with a 4.0 and vice versa.  It puts out 14-15 psi vs 39-40 psi for the 4.0.  Also, verify the CPS is good by doing cruiser's CPS A/C test.  New ones from the big box stores have been known to be bad.  The ECU has to have a strong signal for anything to happen.  If that checks out, replace that fuel pump and see where that lands you.  I just had the same issue on my donor '90 XJ 4.0.  Replaced both and she cranked up after almost two years.

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Okay i haven't received the fuel pump yet but i checked all the fuses,relays and grounds and still can't figure out why its not turning over. It's very werid reminds me of when i had a 93 XJ i did a tune up on and after words wouldn't turn over i put the old distributor back on fire right up went and exchanged it samething went to 3 other big box stores and none would work ended up going to chrysler and paying $25 for one put it on and boom worked great.



any input would be great.

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Ok when this happened to me there's a connector 101 where it is in the back of the engine bay in the driver side right above the brake booster....it looks like this



Clean this with electrical cleaner and toothpicks


And it should start right up with no problems...this connector causes too much issues with starting or just wiggle it before you try to crank your truck and see if it makes a difference

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I don't hear the fuel pump prime when i turn the key but i spray starter fluid/ gas into the Intake and turn the key and no turning over just crank and as for spark everything has been replaced and rechecked with volt meter and everything checks out good. I'm lost and confused!

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I don't hear the fuel pump prime when i turn the key but i spray starter fluid/ gas into the Intake and turn the key and no turning over just crank and as for spark everything has been replaced and rechecked with volt meter and everything checks out good. I'm lost and confused!


Mate, you are confusing the hell out of people. "Turn over" means that the starter motor spins the crankshaft. If your engine isn't "turning over," neither spark nor fuel make any difference because the engine is just sitting there, not rotating.


So is it not turning over, or is it turning over but not firing? If it is turning over, never mind that you replaced a bunch f ignition stuff -- do you have spark at the spark plugs?

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Sorry about the confusion the motor is not seized and I don't know if its getting spark at the plug kinda hard to turn the key and see if is sparking.




He didn't ask if the engine was seized - he asked if the starter turns it over. Lots of other things could be wrong besides your engine being seized if it doesn't turn over when you twist the key.


If you want to fix your problem economically, you are going to have to troubleshoot it first. (I suppose you could just buy parts and swap them until you eventually fixed the problem, but most folks aren't sufficiently lucky and/or wealthy to rely on that approach.)


Why don't you get an assistant to turn the key for you while you check for spark at the plugs? Alternately, you can make it a 1-man job if you make or buy a remote starter switch.  Clip on the the small terminal on your starter and to the + terminal of your battery (or any other convenient source of voltage), make sure to select neutral or park and lock your parking brake, turn the key to the "ignition  - on" position, then spin the engine with your remote switch while you check for spark.

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good possiblity that ignition wiring thru the fuse block bulkhead connectors is the problem.  these connectors come apart very similar to the C101 and have the black tar in them.  check my write up on this problem that got me running again. 

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