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Road Trip, A Little Hot

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Posted over on NAXJA asking about Water Wetter.  Just snake oil or??

It works but shouldn't be necessary. Positive your gauge is accurate?

No...not positive, but under all other conditions it's spot on...by that I mean, it warms up when I first start off.  Goes to 195+ then drops off as the t-stat opens for about 30 seconds.  Then it evens out at just under 200 for the level ground freeway trip...driving along at 65-70mph for 20-30 miles, until I get to the  hill.   When I get about half way up, the gauge starts climbing past 210, 220, 230...til I get to the top.


I am working some air out of the system.  Just enough to put in the WW. I'll probably install the other t-stat housing this weekend.  This is starting to be annoying. 

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Could you be running lean under load? Possibly a faulty sensor causing the pulse width of the injectors to be narrow? Knock sensor, CTS, MAP, EGR circuit, etc...


Just trying to think of something a bit more obscure since you seem to have the other possibilities covered...

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*hangs head*


No, not yet.  My weekend will be full of fun, looks like I'm replacing, or at least R & R ing the exhaust manifold, welding it, replacing motor mounts, flex joint etc. big leak.  After I'm done with that, I'll go get a vac gauge.  Then I'm going looking for a convenient CLIFF.  Not for the truck...for me!!


Comes at a not good time...my mechanic just called me to tell me the transaxle on my little Nissan commuter is shot...$1400


Damn vehicles are breaking me.

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OK, so I'm all giddy now because I fixed my welder yesterday.  It wasn't reeling out wire at a predictable rate, I found that it was getting kinked up where it goes into the feed just enough to make it spotty, now it's fixed and I'm getting a nice smooth bead.


This weekend I'll be R&R ing the exhaust manifold to weld up the crack at # 5 and put in a flex at the crossover portion of the exhaust pipe.  THEN I'll do Cruiser's vac test.  I'll be frikken DELIGHTED to put this thread to bed by Saturday night.


If the cat is clogged or restricted I'll bite yet another bullet and replace that too.

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Funny you should mention the wire feed thing.... I change the wire on my new to me Miller about a year ago. Went with a .023", and I never could get the welds to look right. I thought it was me, so I kept trying and trying.

Then, I had the lid oper so I could see the chart inside, and noticed the writing on the roller wheel said .030. The light bulb went off, and I flipped the wheel 180° and you'd think I could weld like I actually knew how.

Just amazing how much difference a steady feed of wire makes!

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  • 1 month later...

Mine did this when I had a partially clogged cat. Now I don't have a cat. But for you, no-can-do in Cali.


Yep, I replaced the cat...the old one.  The new one, I can shine a light thru it...and see light.  The old one...no light.  You were right on.



Your vacuum gauge should come with an instruction booklet outlining the procedure. Hook the vacuum gauge up to a source on the intake manifold. Start the engine and note the vacuum reading. Usually 17 to 21 inches of vacuum. Throttle the engine up to 2,000 to 2,500 RPM for 20 seconds or so and the vacuum reading should stabilize to the same reading you got at idle. Let the throttle snap shut. The vacuum reading should shoot up about 5 inches of vacuum higher for a second and then come quickly down to the original reading. If the vacuum reading stays high and comes down slowly with jerky needle movements, you have an exhaust restriction.


And FWIW, radiator caps are a maintenance item. I've seen many fail in 2 years or less.


...AND I finally did the vacuum test...which is what finally led to the above.


Thanks guys,,,running normal temps now.

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Mine did this when I had a partially clogged cat. Now I don't have a cat. But for you, no-can-do in Cali.


Yep, I replaced the cat...the old one.  The new one, I can shine a light thru it...and see light.  The old one...no light.  You were right on.



Your vacuum gauge should come with an instruction booklet outlining the procedure. Hook the vacuum gauge up to a source on the intake manifold. Start the engine and note the vacuum reading. Usually 17 to 21 inches of vacuum. Throttle the engine up to 2,000 to 2,500 RPM for 20 seconds or so and the vacuum reading should stabilize to the same reading you got at idle. Let the throttle snap shut. The vacuum reading should shoot up about 5 inches of vacuum higher for a second and then come quickly down to the original reading. If the vacuum reading stays high and comes down slowly with jerky needle movements, you have an exhaust restriction.


And FWIW, radiator caps are a maintenance item. I've seen many fail in 2 years or less.


...AND I finally did the vacuum test...which is what finally led to the above.


Thanks guys,,,running normal temps now.


I'm guessing you prolly noticed a decent power increase from that clogged cat? Maybe better gas Millage too?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sooo, took my trip, still overheating under load on hiway.  I got a hose with a spring...from another member.  Just installed tonight.  will be taking it for test drive tomorrow night. 


Results few and far between cause it's not my DD and I gotta take the commuter to work so don't get much of a chance to drive it any distance :(

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I would recommend getting a water pump. I have had a few of the 4.0 engines cool great at idle but under load no. It seems you have changed everything under the sun except the pump. I have had pumps that feel fine and aren't weeping and the impeller blades are gone. How was your coolant when you drained it the first time? Very rusty? Most of the time the rust is from the impeller on the pump. Pumps are cheap and not too hard to change. Take it off and see how the impeller looks just make sure to get a gasket or change he pump.

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There is no rust in the system.  The coolant is bright green, no sign of rust, oil or contamination.  I have no heater valve, the cooling system was swapped over to an open system from the get go when I built it.  The water pump is relatively new (miles wise) and coolant is circulating well.  That is the reason I hadn't mentioned the water pump...and it is the correct R flow pump.  Every pump I've had in any of my Jeeps have been fine on the impellers.


So...I've fixed and tested the following within the last 2,000 miles months:  I'm not just throwing parts at it...this has all been part of the total build.

New radiator

Water pump

Hoses, upper, lower, heaters (and just the other day a new LOWER hose with a spring in it [thanks again Cracker])

T-stat (195) twice

New t-stat housing (the old one had a hairline crack in it)

New catalytic converter, it was partially clogged

New downpipe flange donut

New temp sender

New rad cap (Super-stat 16 lb.)

Flush & fill with new coolant, twice

Ext. Tranny cooler

1997 ten blade curved e-fan...on a switch

Harmonic Balancer


P/S pump


...A/C is not operable at the moment, so it's not adding any heat to the mix.  How hot does it get?  Anywhere from just barely over the 210 mark to just before red-line.  Test says no exhaust gases in coolant. 


I'm down to this:

I swapped in an AW4 after the BA-10 gave up the ghost.  So, my gearing is still 3.07's...I'm also running 31" tires.  What I'm thinking is that the engine has to work too hard to move those axles, so it's doggy, and when it's doggy is when it gets hot.

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I could see the 3.07s adding to the prob. I know with 3.55's and 32s my mj is sluggish to say the least. I had a lot of over heating probs and did pretty much everything you have done. they are not as bad. but still get up there on hot days. I added the e-fan and it will drop the temps from the red to normal within 5 mins of turning it on at a idle.



My overheating thread. Maybe there is something in that that will help you? :???:


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Did this running hot start when you swapped in the AW4? Or before?


It did overheat, even when it had the BA-10 in it.  It also had the 31's.  Don't think 31's are a deal breaker for a D44 with 3.07's...but since I won't be doing the Rubicon anytime soon...anyhoo, the AW4 has never been quite right (which I can only attribute to my OWN work) electronically.  I still can't get a reading on the TPS.  Tried to, drove it, tried, drove, and so on.  But still, driving down the highway it seems to do fine.

I did all the cooling system swapping before,  and it ran a some cooler. 

I could see the 3.07s adding to the prob. I know with 3.55's and 32s my mj is sluggish to say the least. I had a lot of over heating probs and did pretty much everything you have done. they are not as bad. but still get up there on hot days. I added the e-fan and it will drop the temps from the red to normal within 5 mins of turning it on at a idle.



My overheating thread. Maybe there is something in that that will help you? :???:



My trans cooler is directly in front of the e-fan.. .in front of the radiator. Once it starts climbing, even the e-fan only helps a little.  I'll read your thread and see if I missed something, but it sure is frustrating.

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