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Possible To Open Hood From Outside? Vandals Have Struck

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You could always get a handful of big wheel weights and add them randomly to the inside of his wheels one night.


Another good one is to take an air tank and take the filler off of it. Then fill it half full of water. Put the filler back on, and refill with compressed air. One dark night you let the air out of his tires, and then refill from your air tank while holding it upside down. This will push the water into the tire, and he will never be able to drive it due to balance issues, and the tire store won't be able to rebalance them without removing the tire from the rim and drying it out. This works even better when it is below freezing, because he suddenly has a big block of ice in the bottom of his tire.


Yea.. I know I am new here, but I absolutely hate people that mess with someone else's vehicles.

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You could always get a handful of big wheel weights and add them randomly to the inside of his wheels one night.

The self-adhesive type would be perfect for this... although you'd have to clean a spot on the inside of the wheel for them to adhere properly.

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  • 9 months later...

I've got an '86 so with about an 18" rod and a flashlight I can pop the hood in about 30 seconds. I think the later Jeeps with double hood latches are pretty difficult. Could you have left ajar and not thought about it? 


An "eye for eye leaves everyone blind" I think is Ghandi. Of course cowboys can be wise too:-) "Tit for tat leaves everybody flat" KInd of a Ghandi paraphrase too.


Anyway, I feel your pain. Can't imagine people watching and laughing thereby taunting you to revenge. Hence, if they think they are so clever I wouldn't bother with run of the mill revenge. Be clever. Not that I'm for such things mind you. Frankly, I can't imagine any adult doing such damage just for fun. I suspect you have a Hatfield vs. McCoy thing going on there.


Sometimes best to move out of hell and come back for the occassional visit just to keep the fires burning. Good luck and sorry to hear about such things.

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Though it may make you feel better to do them damage, property or personally, like needles in the @$$ which could be a felony all on it's own, you could incur liability or jail time yourself.  Ain't right...but it IS the law.  If you feel that you have a good reason to suspect these guys vandalized your vehicle, call the police.


I work for County Probation.  I am NOT a cop, but I have friends on the PD that would gladly set up a camera trap to nail some scumbag.

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Love the idea, but needles(or barbed wire) in the seat is a big time no no, and, afaik, anything that can be considered "booby trapping" is a federal offense. Now, in some states, if you come outside, theyre messing with your truck, you can shoot em and be done with the issue.


Personally, i carry a valve core tool, to simply de-core valve stems if need be. Not permanent, won't hurt anything, just a huge pita.


Anyway, your best bet would probably be to put a game cam in a window, security cameras, etc. Catch em, press charges, sue em and take their house, etc. Sucks, but thats the world we live in. Good luck with the truck.

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