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C2C Rocker Re-Fit?

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Hey All,

I am planning to re-do my rockers soon. I have the C2C rockers, which are not tapered. For those of you who have used the C2C rockers, how did you re-fit them to work? I have about 6-10 inches of good rocker from the fender to just under the door, so my plan was to cut a line where they start to go bad, and mate them up there rather than pull the fender and bring them behind the fender. I am concerned about the taper, as I have no tools to re-bend the new rockers. Any help/info would be great!


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This is probably something you are going to have to figure out on your own since each person has a different amount of damage to repair, just remember the old saying "measure twice, cut once".


maybe you can find a way to mate the C2C rocker with whats left of the old? :dunno: Oh and BTW would you mind putting up a picture of what the C2C rocker looks like? I had tossed around the idea of getting them myself but decided to repair my old ones the best i could.



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It looks like I am going to end up trimming them to fit and only replace the rotted areas. Getting it to "taper" might be a challenge, but I did find a guy who has some body work experience helping me with fitment issues. I'll post some photos when I get to the point of getting it tacked in. I think if you go to the C2C website there is a photo of it. The differences are, the C2C rocker has no taper, and the ends are open, and not closed. The front half of an OEM rocker tapers almost an inch from the mid point of the rocker to the front that slips under the fender. I think I have a fix for this that will work for my repair situation.

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Will do. So far, I had to completely cut off the top part of the replacement rocker. basically removing the "threshold" part of the rocker. The tops of my rockers are in good shape, so we tapered the cut from front to back. This effectively will put a seam just inside the bottom of the door. I am now within a 1/4 inch of good fit. Since the front 6-8 inches of my rocker is still intact, we are going to cut the replacement shorter and graft onto the good section of rocker I have.

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btw...I also emailed C2C and let them know how wonderful their product fits. They want to see a photo of the problem, so I am going to do that....


I can't tell you how glad i am to hear that you are doing this, maybe after you enlighten them we can finally get some decent replacement rockers. I certainly would be down for a set . . . or three



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There are pics of an NOS factory MJ rocker in my "trail truck" project thread (link in sig)

and I have NOS XJ rockers I can snap pics of if you want to show them what they are really supposed to look like.


It would be nice to have factory style rockers available again.

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I got a response from them. They are looking for an original rocker so they can correct it. I told them to post here, as there is nothing left of my original rockers that would be useable to them. Here is the response....


"I did notice that I am shocked that this has never been brought to our attention before. We have mocked these from what another company was producing and most of what we've copied from there was incorrect. By any chance are you able to cut off your original and send to us for a pattern so we can correct it?"

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So I checked the NOS MJ Shrine.


and I do have an MJ Rocker.



Posting this picture is probably a mistake ;)












There it is in the lower left.......(oops lower right)


Everyone hates me now, right? :D



kidding aside,

I really hate the thought of shipping it across the country.


Where is C2C located anyway?


I'll take some high quality pics of it when I get a chance (I'm not home now)

Edited by jpnjim
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What is NOS?


and i think you ment lower right hand side of the picture.


You know I'm debating flipping that picture right now to cover my mistake



NOS = new old stock


Idiots like me who didn't bother buying this stuff when you could walk in any dealership in the country and order it brand new,

now chase down every scrap they can get their hands on,

before even the scraps are gone. :(

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I got your pm lexluther sorry I have not sent you the pics I said I would will tyr to get them tonight. I like the other poster had rebent the flanges it helped but did not fix it. I emailed C2C also but no response. I have no pictures of my install process though wish I had we could send them to C2C. I am hoping when I put new fenders on I can shim the lower section out to match the rocker. I did a complete removal of the rocker as my inner rocker plates were rusted out also.

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I will give pics a try now first time on this new site,




This is pretty much what the JC Whitney rockers I put on the XJ look like.

They were so bad I refused to burn them in.

4 years later, they are still just zip-screwed on there.


I ordered a pair of factory rockers right after trying the JCs,

but haven't got around to installing them yet.


Since I think even the factory/NOS XJ rockers are out of production now,

I'm not sure if I should use them, or hang onto on them.

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