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1st expedition for Sgt. Rock was a success....sort of....

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Went out into the hills tonight with a few friends doing a little recon/hunting for some Coyotes that have been taking down cattle on my friends family farm.

Around dark, and after doing a little of this... image_209027.gif ...we set out across the pastures and up into the hills and woods, crossing several flooded creeks and bounding over rocks and fallen timber. We parked for a while to let the quiet take over again, did some more :cheers: while we was :chillin: .

After a while we used a couple Coyote calls, didn't get any responses , but could hear things moving all around us in the woods. We pull out the Spotlights to check around us and my buddy that is the "marksman" :brows: reaches into the cab to retrive one of the rifles and guess what happens? yeahthat.gif , BLAM !! He blows a hole in my floorboard. I guess in the excitement of the moment and pitch black darkness these things can happen. :thwak:

At this point, the hunt has become :rotfl2: , so we image_209027.gif and :chillin: a little while longer, then we :driving: up the trail a bit further. I've got all my lighting in working order and we eventually roust a couple of coons. This time my buddy the "marksman":dunce: is on his game and cracks the bugger right between the eyes from about 150 feet and 60 feet up in a tree. So we are :banana: and :cheers: and we comancheB.gif back down the mountain. Ole stock height 2wd Sgt. Rock didn't have anything bad to say about the trip, even after sitting in that chicken coupe for the last 7 years. Water did come in throught the door seals at times, but since I have a new drain hole , no problem!

We get back to the farm and image_209027.gif a few more brews while :chillin: , then we decide to check on the truck to see what damage may have been inflicted. It was basically a nutkick.gif , didn't hit the tranny or anything important, just went throught the floorboard and sheared the rusty exhaust pipe (it needs replaced anyways). It was great fun in the old MJ, plan on doing it again soon, except there will be more image_209027.gif and :chillin: and hopefully a litle less nutkick.gif . Ive included a link for tonights photo in case it goes :redX: like the rest of my pics have lately :hmm: . This is a shot of my friend Haybailler laying hand on both of tonights kills.....


http://images21.fotki.com/v577/fileobx6 ... C00001.jpg



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oops! I meant to put this in the wheeling folder! My bad !! :chillin:


nah, it's all good seeing as now it's a project...just post the floor repairs and exhaust repairs here and it's all good :D looks like you were a little :rotf: when you wrote this. sounds like fun at least we did that last night for the hegamen's by us...got 3 coyote's by baitin em' with a bloated heffer. works like a charm. they're out right now so we'll see how many more they get.

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Guns...driving...alcohol... it's a winning combination! :roll: I don't see how anything could possibly go wrong with that plan. :D May I suggest at least waiting 'til you're ready to shoot something before loading the ammo? :brows:

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....well, I thought about another round of Coyote hunting this weekend. Then I came to my senses and decided to go Crappi fishing. Yeah, thats way safer than Coyote hunting.....except, the guy that owns the boat is the same guy that shot my truck :roll: .....I'll let yall know how it turns out :chillin:

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.....so we went fishing instead of Coyote hunting, ....warm day here in N. Alabama, low 40's at day break, into the 60's mid day and a mild wind. The Crappi have turned off in the deeper holes in Lake Guntersville, so we slid up into the shallows around docks and boat houses. Picked up one fair sized Crappie and and 3.8 lb Large Mouth. Wasn't a stellar day, but hey, we was fishing ! 8)


http://images22.fotki.com/v724/file78Yz ... C00028.jpg


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I wanna see pics of the galaxie500s!!

I wanna see pics of that 3.8 pound bass! I know you can't mean the one in the photo.

Me and the 4X4 I'm paid to drive. You never know who might be lurking on these forums. :thumbsup:

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I wanna see pics of the galaxie500s!!

I wanna see pics of that 3.8 pound bass! I know you can't mean the one in the photo.

Me and the 4X4 I'm paid to drive. You never know who might be lurking on these forums. :thumbsup:

Are you with the sheriff's department or forest service? I don't know California's badging, but I assume it's sheriff with the tan uniform and star, but think forest service with the green hat.

If that's a police truck, wow would I have some tickets. Talk about blending in...

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Fish and Game actually. Not to hijack the thread but that old '99 short bed and I do get around. With a 5.9, 3.92's, LSD, and knowing that someone else will pay to fix it, I get into places where I get to hear my favorite line: "I never thought I'd see you here:mad:".

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Fish and Game actually. Not to hijack the thread but that old '99 short bed and I do get around. With a 5.9, 3.92's, LSD, and knowing that someone else will pay to fix it, I get into places where I get to hear my favorite line: "I never thought I'd see you here:mad:".


jamminz.gif That would absolutely make my day to see the expressions on guys faces that thought they could get away with something cause they figured the boonies were beyond the reach of the long arm of the law. :D I may have found my calling in life...

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I wanna see pics of that 3.8 pound bass! I know you can't mean the one in the photo.


....really , thats the one. She was right at 20 inches and very thick, carrying a whole mess of eggs! made for 2 large filet steaks !! YUM!


i wanna see pics of the galaxie500s!!


...here is a link to my fotki account, there are pics in there of all my past cars that I thought to take a photo of.......


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