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Mj lift

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Alright I have been researching putting a lift into my MJ here. how much lift do I really get out of a axel over. I all I want to run is 31s. I will be regaring to 4:10s. I will not be off reading this any further then logging roads and lease roads. I have a xj bult to the other stuff. But I am thinking of a long arm set up just for the ride it will give.

Zone doesn't have anything yet and I will be emailing them in the next day or so to put a bug in there ear. What do you guys suggest. what works for you.

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You can get 3" spring under leaves, and do a 3"in fornt, maybe with some control arm drop brackets and an adjustable track bar. Maybe even adjustable control arms for better adjustabilty in front end geometry and tire clearnace. Though if you don't want to go that far, some spacers in the front, some shackels in the rear, and some WJ lower control arms will be all you need for 31"s.

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If i am reading your post corectly you are wanting to run 31" tires and you are not going to be wheeling the mj hard and binding it much. I am currently running 31" tires on my completly stock mj and have no issues puting it in a prety good bind. Especialy in the rear if worried about the front i wuld recomend 1.5-2" spacers nuthing spectacular but shuld leval front and rear and give you no issues.



That shuld give you an idea of how hard you can flex a stock mj with 31" ers. Front and rear hit the bumpstopes before rubing.

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