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slide ins? or slide outs?

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. . . . but wanted to get some comments or experience.

Experience . . . . . very very good. My MJ is unstoppable with a camper in the back :thumbsup:

Any specific questions?

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Not really noticed a big difference in MPG, it does use some extra but it's not an issue.

Light wheeling? No problem! I'm continually impressed with how the MJ copes. I like to challenge it when we head out into the boonies :brows: I carry winching gear but haven't had to use it yet. I think the extra weight may even help climbing the rougher trails, just take it slow, steady and careful.


Disadvantages: You can't be in a hurry. Take care on the highway in fast corners due to the the possibility of a roll over (same with any high sided vehicle). You drive careful anyways though don't you? ;) A few minor mods are required - Airsprings or extra leaves req'd unless you have a metric Ton package, Tranny cooler if you have an auto and good tires.


Advantages: Being able to travel randomly without schedules cos you can stop any place anytime. Fridge full of cold beer. A comfy bed.


Happy to answer any questions :thumbsup:

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hunt for the right one.

When searching M2 - try 'import camper', otherwise you'll find slide-ins that are too wide for the MJ. :thumbsup:


i would think all the extra wind mass would hurt fuel economy more than the weight, but then, campers aren't ever known for fuel economy...
And the 4.0L MJ is known for good fuel economy? :yes: Seriously tho, yes it does hurt fuel economy hauling the camper but I've found it's not too bad and the benefits outweigh the extra fuel use :cheers:
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