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Battery keeps draining.

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Put in a new alternator and a new battery and it will last about 30 miles and then there is no battery power left. Any ideas I could look for. I just bought this comanche and was really happy but now this problem started and I am trying to start a new job.

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Just because it's new doesn't mean it's good. I have taken new parts out of an unopened box and they were bad. If the battery goes dead while driving then it's not getting charged. Either the alt is bad or bad wiring, connection. Get a VM, volt meter and start at the alternator and check the circuit to the battery. The book says 14.6volts but anything from 14-15volts will charge the bat. That's while the motors running.

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Just because it's new doesn't mean it's good. I have taken new parts out of an unopened box and they were bad. If the battery goes dead while driving then it's not getting charged. Either the alt is bad or bad wiring, connection. Get a VM, volt meter and start at the alternator and check the circuit to the battery. The book says 14.6volts but anything from 14-15volts will charge the bat. That's while the motors running.


:agree: I have ran into this a lot myself, especially with autozone or advance brand parts. In fact as I type this my buddy down the road is working on his. He is on his 3rd bad autozone alternator in 2 days for his VW!

In my experience, if a new or reman unit is going to go bad prematurely, it usually happens within the 1st 100 miles or so.

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every time i read this thread. I'm biting my lips since i have autozone alternator and so far its still work :dunno: :(

Nobody said they were ALL bad. When you consider the big chains sells a thousand or more of an item a couple bad ones is no big deal,,,unless you're the one that got one of the bad ones.

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every time i read this thread. I'm biting my lips since i have autozone alternator and so far its still work :dunno: :(

Nobody said they were ALL bad. When you consider the big chains sells a thousand or more of an item a couple bad ones is no big deal,,,unless you're the one that got one of the bad ones.

hm hope mine is good one :peek:

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every time i read this thread. I'm biting my lips since i have autozone alternator and so far its still work :dunno: :(

Nobody said they were ALL bad. When you consider the big chains sells a thousand or more of an item a couple bad ones is no big deal,,,unless you're the one that got one of the bad ones.

although when you go through 3 bad throttle position sensors from az before finding one that's good, you gotta wonder...

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When you consider the big chains sells a thousand or more of an item a couple bad ones is no big deal,,,unless you're the one that got one of the bad ones.



like Fram oil filters. never had a problem... until one tried to starve my engine of oil. :fs1: never again.

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Quite frankly I am having a hard time believing the paper clip story. Do this. Take a charged battery. Get a piece of wire, not copper but steel, baling wire. Now slap it across the 2 battery posts. Use a pair of pliers, not your bare hands. See what happens? Either the clip would have melted or the wiring going to the fuse box, accompanied by mucho smoke and smell. If the paper clip had a high resistance then yes, it can happen, high resistance equaling a slow battery drain. However paper clips do not have high resistance, 6 ohms on the one I measured. I don't buy it. Jim

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Quite frankly I am having a hard time believing the paper clip story. Do this. Take a charged battery. Get a piece of wire, not copper but steel, baling wire. Now slap it across the 2 battery posts. Use a pair of pliers, not your bare hands. See what happens? Either the clip would have melted or the wiring going to the fuse box, accompanied by mucho smoke and smell. If the paper clip had a high resistance then yes, it can happen, high resistance equaling a slow battery drain. However paper clips do not have high resistance, 6 ohms on the one I measured. I don't buy it. Jim


I was thinking same thing. its fun to watch how fast clip melt away sudden haha.

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