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General Heater Fan Question

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I have noticed that the last 2 or 3 times i got in my 88, the blower for the heater won't work.

after about 7 mins or so of driving, i feel the heat, but no fan.

around 5 mins or so later, the fan kicks on. :dunno:

i checked the blower fuse, and thats about it...i didnt wanna start digging if its something simple, ya know?


any input will help me out alot!





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Same stuff you use in your engine is good enough. Your going to have to remove the motor from the housing. 4 screws. Sometimes there are holes in the housing you can drip oil in. If not, hold the motor with the shaft up. drip oil on the shaft, let it run down into the bearing. On the rear, drill a small hole in the housing. Sometimes you can take a piece of wire and run one end through a hole in the housing and close to the bearing. Drip oil on the wire and let it run in.

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When I swapped my HVAC housing for AC, I oiled the motor up. Clean it up real good, and then if there arent obvious oil holes, just drip some motor oil on the bearings themselves and spin the motor by hand. You should feel it free up like this as you turn it and work the oil in. If it doesnt help, youll need to find a new motor. I can't remember how hard it was to get to the bearing under the fan squirrel cage itself, but if it looks like you can pull the cage off and oil the bearing, if not, get a skinny drink straw, dip it in oil and stick the straw in behind the cage to oil the bearing. Hope this helps.

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When I swapped my HVAC housing for AC, I oiled the motor up. Clean it up real good, and then if there arent obvious oil holes, just drip some motor oil on the bearings themselves and spin the motor by hand. You should feel it free up like this as you turn it and work the oil in. If it doesnt help, youll need to find a new motor. I can't remember how hard it was to get to the bearing under the fan squirrel cage itself, but if it looks like you can pull the cage off and oil the bearing, if not, get a skinny drink straw, dip it in oil and stick the straw in behind the cage to oil the bearing. Hope this helps.


drip the oil by see the hole thru the cowling location? or thru the recirculation door?

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When I swapped my HVAC housing for AC, I oiled the motor up. Clean it up real good, and then if there arent obvious oil holes, just drip some motor oil on the bearings themselves and spin the motor by hand. You should feel it free up like this as you turn it and work the oil in. If it doesnt help, youll need to find a new motor. I can't remember how hard it was to get to the bearing under the fan squirrel cage itself, but if it looks like you can pull the cage off and oil the bearing, if not, get a skinny drink straw, dip it in oil and stick the straw in behind the cage to oil the bearing. Hope this helps.



dumb it down please.....

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My heater blower sounds terrible too. I read the replacement steps in Haynes/Chilton. It looks pretty straight forward. Locate the blower, remove four screws, unplug it, replace. Is that about right?


I'm a novice. I don't want to get in over my head.



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I've been checking prices for blower motors for at least a half hour. I found a bunch of Jeep-enthusiast stores where the part was priced $45 to $65.


Then I checked Checker O'Reilly. It's only $26 and it's in stock at my local store.


http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/searc ... vi=1181416


It looks like these Jeep-enthusiast stores are gouging customers. Does anyone advice about parts stores? I just assumed that Jeep stores would be cheaper because they specialize. Apparently I was wrong, huh?

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