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Video of the stubling bumbling AMC-2.5er . . .

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Water or something in the gas? I had that problem once and had to change the filter several times to get it cleared out. New one would fail very quickly. Maybe got some bad gas at one time. Gas station may have been sucking the bottom of their tank. Pull the line loose on the inlet side of the filter and see what comes out of that side of the filter. With the very fine mesh on them, they clog up fast.

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  one_bad_MJ said:
sounds like a diesel not to bash or nothing


:clapping: If it where a diesel i would taken it straight to the crusher :clapping:


At the rate thing's are going it still may end up on a barge as ribbons of metal bound for china :thumbsup:


Off to test the fuel pressure ;)



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well tried to test the fuel pressure but . . . soapbox.gif this no good rotten POS scum bag puke box chit can soapbox.gif of a truck has nothing i can adapt to . . . everything is 1 size to big or 1 size to small ect !


there is no adapting through the fuel filter because the line is to large and the rubbers are too short to reach the larger barb which is just slightly smaller then the line your trying to hook . . . they did not send a duel male adapter to utilize the 2 test port's located in/on the TB . . . :fs1:



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I managed to snap off 1 vacuum line and round off 1 fuel line so i have no idea what to do now . . . I'm at wit's end here . . .


It might be game over for this truck, I seem to cause more damage then i am repairing . . .


I broke off 1 plastic vacuum line & i also rounded a nut on the fuel line leading to the TB so that's not going to come apart . . .


I may have to see about putting the old 62' back in Daily driver service . . .



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GMC replacing a MJ!














Heart rate back to normal!



Ok. A good running 2.5 is so much sweeter than those other ........ THINGS!!!!!!


Take a careful look and see what you can find. If'n the broken parts .... happens to us all when we get "aged" (let the reader understand) can be fixed, don't "scrap it"!!!!!!

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truck will fire right high idle kick itself down to low idle it will drive normally for one through the gears then after it'll start stumbling half way through the gears again stumble stumble studder studder bog bog stall . . .


It will remain idling tho slightly rougher but it idles none the less but once you give it throttle it bogs down and dies out. . .


New parts:


Fuel pump.


Fuel filter.












It ain't like i'm not trying . . .




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spray's fuel the whole time . . . tho the mist visually appears to thin out as its reved up . . .


:idea: Should of bought an S-10 I think . . .those can be scanned ain't nobody got scan tool for this thing . . .



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How dose one go about testing the O2 ? ? ? . . . Can it be tested ?


I unplugged the O2 truck ran the same . . .


the TPS seems to be working as when i manually move it the goofs with the engine . . .



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Check the voltage output on the O2 with a DVOM... Should be between 100 to 900 mV... (.1-.9V). Constantly switching... If its pegged one way or another, it will either be running way too lean because its trying to cut back when it shouldn't, or running way to rich, adding when it should be taking away.


.1V or 100mV is pegged lean

.9V or 900mV is pegged rich


Rob L.

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And assuming that the check engine light isn't burnt out, check it for codes... Turn the key on and off, leaving it on, 3 times... it will start flashing any stored codes in a pattern. Someone will have to help me out with the code chart though...


Rob L.

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Trouble is i am running out money, i wish some body had a scanner that would simply plug into it and tell you whats going on, But nobody seems too . . . How did AMC service these things then ?


Ok i have read through this post again and again it make no sense to me





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I went a spending spree, i about bankrupted myself . . . only 3 things left to change . . .


1. O2 Senser.


2. Fuel pressure regulator.


3. Fuel injector.


Ignition module brand new made no effect only caused it to act quicker, TPS brand new made no difference again made it act up quicker . . .


Ever new part makes it less & less drivable most would see that as a bad thing, i am viewing it as a good thing, it means the bad part is eventually going to completely fail make it much easier to find ;)


So i'll be ordering up:


O2 sender, Injector and fuel pressure reg . . .


after that i have no idea what else could be bad ? gas tank ? the fuel itself ? filter again ?



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