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got a job!


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Got a call from a machinist company that i applied to a month or so a ago, he needed a part time worker, which works great with my school schedule. so today was my first day of Re-Employment and the last day of UN-Employment for a while I hope. :clapping:

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Very cool....


If I can ever manage to get myself layed off.. I think thats what I want to go to school to be retrained in. The ability to take a chunk of bare metal and turn it into something useful is really awesome.

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If I can ever manage to get myself layed off.. I think thats what I want to go to school to be retrained in. The ability to take a chunk of bare metal and turn it into something useful is really awesome.


Is the amsoil thing full time? It's hard to fire yourself...


For some people yes. But not for me. I still work a 9-5'er.. that never is 9-5.

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